is there a way to order the entries in the Kanban Backlog? At the moment it seems to always use the id of the entry.
At the moment I'm using a Kanban Board based on Activities and would like to order the different Activities in the Backlog (ones on the top of the list should be done next).
I've tried the following approaches:
- Use the Planning to reorder the Activities. This works nicely in the Planning view, but it doesn't seem to be possible to then use this order (wps?) for the Kanban Board. If I add wps as order to a Kanban filter but it seems to be ignored.
- Use Entry Priority (number) for ordering. This works, but it is quite hard to move tickets exactly around.
But what I still miss is a way to easily re-order individual Kanban items in the Backlog, so that the team members know which item should be done next with a short glance at the board. For example, it would be nice is to use the wbs sorting from the Activity Planning, but if I use wbs for sorting in an Advanced Filter it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Kanban and the whole Agile methology is quite centered around having a nicely ordered Backlog and I'm trying to achieve that in Projeqtor.
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