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ProjeQtOr free project management software - Fixed date in calendar for a task / Date fixe dans planning pour une tache - ProjeQtOr

Fixed date in calendar for a task / Date fixe dans planning pour une tache

28 Jul 2014 10:53 #1 by protion
Hello there.
I wonder if it would be possible to make sure to enter the date of PLANNING for a spot and not whether the software decides to keep his hand on the date of some spots that must be made ​​in a specific time , and regardless of élémnet already in place (in the case of an emergency last minute).

Thank you in advance

Je voudrais savoir si il serais possible de faire en sorte de rentrer la date de plannification pour une tache et non que ce soit le logiciel qui décide, pour garder la main sur la date de certaine taches qui doivent impérativement etre faite a une date bien précise, et ce sans tenir compte des élémnet déja en place (dans le cas d'une urgence de derniére minute).

Par avance merci

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28 Jul 2014 12:48 #2 by babynus
Use planning mode : fixed between dates.
It automatically gets a high priority.

New planning modes are planned, but will not be implemented soon :
- start not before date X
- must start on date X (should have a high priority)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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28 Jul 2014 13:55 #3 by protion

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30 Jul 2014 13:17 #4 by climb4fun
Hello Babynus,

I appreciate the new planning modes. May be you could add "has to end on date" (should have a high priority).



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30 Jul 2014 13:58 #5 by babynus
Note added to request Ticket.

This will just be a shortcut to : "as late as possible" and high priority task.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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