We are trying to generate a Gantt chart for a selected project (planning function) but ProjeQtOr requests to create a project first. The thing is that we have the project already created and selected. This only happens now we've installed the latest ProjeQtOr version (11.0.1) as we've used this functionality before with no issues.
Should we do something different to generate the Gantt chart with this new version?
Thank you for all your help!
there is nothing in particular to do in the planning view, it takes shape as you build according to the plannable elements and the duration and load information that you put into your project.
If you've already used it, do you still see your old projects?
Have you calculated the project? (calculator)
What type of project is not displayed?
Have you checked the Gantt display options, they may hide certain projects...
Many thanks for your reply!
I checked if the issue was happening to all projects and I confirm it only happens for the projects classified as template. This wasn't happening before, I mean, I was able to see the planning view with this type of project.
I'm sending you the screenshot I get when I try to generate the planning view for a template project.
Thank you again for your support!
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