I recently installed Projeqtor 5.3.0 and I upgraded this to 5.31 few minutes ago.
I had a problem with the 5.3.0 version and it continues with the version 5.3.1.
I can not add Activity to my project, if I try, I have an error message saying "please contact an administrator". I checked log file and I see these lines :
"2016-03-30 08:21:49.845 ***** ERROR ***** ERROR *****
2016-03-30 08:21:49.845 ***** ERROR ***** on file 'C:\xampp\htdocs\projeqtor\model\Mutex.php' at line (29)
2016-03-30 08:21:49.845 ***** ERROR ***** cause = Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Mutex has a deprecated constructor"
May you help us please.
It's a critical problem for us. We use the platform to manage project and the application is not available and not usable because we can't create activities and it's the same problem with tickets and others functionnalities.
Thanks for your time.
I hope this will be fixed a.s.a.p
As you said my problem is about my php version, I created an export of my database and I downgraded my php version to the 5.6 (changing xampp version) and I reinstalled projeqtor in a new directory. I always can't create an activity but the message is different and worst I think. Have a look
I solved my problem.
It was my export file, it was corrupted. I had another export file a little bit older than the current I used. So I reinstalled and configured my Xampp (with php7) and used the correct export file, then I applied the papjul fix and it worked.
Thanks a lot babynus and papjul. It works properly and with php7 it's faster.
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