I would like to propose to enable list/search of list of resources and their skill and skill level in the menu "Resources" or new menu/report and enable export to csv/table for master management of resources and their skill (with consideration of the access right that can view skill and skill level). Currently, it is difficult to have a quick overall view of all the resources and what skills and skills level.
From my understanding, current "Search by skill" menu only display resources with skill entered, and can only show for the skill selected.
What I suggest is to utilize menu like "Resources" or report menu to enable quick list of all the resources and what skills and skills level (including displaying which resources with skill and which without skill that may need review and maintain the skill). It can help in strategic management of resources for high-level planning.
This is not possible in resource list : you cannot display one-to-many relationship in lists.
You cannot list all resources allocated to a project in Projects list
You cannot list all notes on action in the Actions List
You cannot show all skills of a resource in the Resource list
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