We encounter an issue since a few weeks, (maybe months, I was absent for 18 months, and cannot say) that we had not before.
The users now have all projects displayed in their list, even if they are not assigned to it.
I have tried to change the global parameter "restrict project list" to "Yes", but it seems having no effect on this list.
This behavior is the same whatever the display choice (standard or filtering select).
Do I miss something ? Is there any new parameter that has changed the behavior of this list ?
How to proceed so that the users with restricted rights can see only their projects ?
I have tried to change the global parameter "restrict project list" to "Yes", but it seems having no effect on this list.
This setting is used to restrict lists with specific types for an item. For example, team members can only create development type activities for example!
Do I miss something ? Is there any new parameter that has changed the behavior of this list ?
No, nothing new in this regard but the profile concerned only needs to have rights with a "+" following it on any element to see the project concerned.
For example, your team member is "manager +" on tickets so they will see projects linked to tickets. So if there is a ticket on project X where it is not allocated, then it will still see it.
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