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Project Template

05 Fév 2015 16:28 #1 by dem
Project Template was created by dem

I am trying to use this fabulous tool, also for my campaigns.

So, the idea is to do a campaign template with main/sub, activities & milestones.
As you can see on my screenshot.

I have one Project (Campaign Template)
Many Main Activities with sub activities and milestones.

I would like to only insert days (on the duration field) on all my sub activities. And a start date on the entire Project (Campaign Template). So this become a block and by accumulating the days inserted I will get a end date.

My objective is to simplify the parameters of each activities, milestones etc…
Because, the information become redundant at some point.

I tried to play with predecessor/successor/linked element, but without any success.

In the case, I can do this template, I will only need to duplicate the entire project, rename it and change the start date.

It will be awesome!!! :)

Ps: When I copy anything, I have “origin” fulfill with the ex name, are there any repercussion on the rest or is it just for information?

Thank you for your help,
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05 Fév 2015 19:54 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Project Template

You're almost( where you want. :)

1) Just set planning mode to "fixed duration" for all activities (this can be done through mutiple update mode) and define duration.
2) Define a milestone with mode "fixed milstone", define date for this milstone and set it as predecessor of first(s) task(s).
3) Run planning : you're there ! B)

Another hint : when your template project is OK, define its type to "Template". This way : it will not be visible any more in the planning (as it is not a real project) and it will become visible to all project managers that will be able to copy it. :woohoo:

As you guessed it, Origin is only an informative data, without any efect on the planning.
You can avoid adding Origin, just unchecking corresponding checkbox when copying ;)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
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09 Fév 2015 10:41 #3 by dem
Replied by dem on topic Project Template
Hi babynus,

Thank you a lot, I will immediately try this.
Regarding the template mode, I deleted all "projects types" and I kept only "OPE" code.

Now I am trying to re-create a type "TMP" but even as an admin I can't anymore. (gray field)
I would like also to try to manage my project with "ADM" type, which sound a lot easier regarding resource assignments.
(because, this function still a bit foggy for me)

Thank you really much for your help.

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09 Fév 2015 13:40 #4 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Project Template

I deleted all "projects types" and I kept only "OPE" code

How did you do that ? :silly:
Projets Types "TMP" and "ADM" cannot be deleted :whistle:

Now I am trying to re-create a type "TMP" but even as an admin I can't anymore.

If you directly updated Database, you'll have ot do the same : insert newlines directly in Database (or insert new one with other code, and change code in database afterwards)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
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10 Fév 2015 09:31 - 10 Fév 2015 10:58 #5 by dem
Replied by dem on topic Project Template

I didn't do anything into the database, I deleted them from the web-interface. I am really sure of that.
By the way, what is the table name for "Projects types". :cheer:

So, if I understood well. In order to have resources planning generated without waiting for the project manager to define the real work affectation.
I should use the "ADM" type?

Thank you a lot again and again :)

ps: Do you have a documentation about the database, i am not a technical guy and for me it is hard to find where are things.

Last edit: 10 Fév 2015 10:58 by dem.
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10 Fév 2015 14:39 #6 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Project Template

By the way, what is the table name for "Projects types".

table is type, with scope='project'

So, if I understood well. In order to have resources planning generated without waiting for the project manager to define the real work affectation.
I should use the "ADM" type?

Yes, any type with code ADM will do the job.

ps: Do you have a documentation about the database, i am not a technical guy and for me it is hard to find where are things.

No, sorry, there are no technical docs.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
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