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[SOLVED] Can't access plugin and configuration not writed

03 Avr 2024 09:23 #1 by jmmbb

i'm on V11.1.3.
I'm using this instance as sandbox for training for new users.
Since yesterday (without any modifications on parameters), access to plugins as gone (no more entry "plugin" in the menu and with research box, can't only access to "plugins management".
In addition, it is not possible to modify configuration via "Global parameters" : changing any value and saving is ok from ProjeQtOr (message "Paramètres sauvegardés") but nothing is changed in file parameters.php. For example, i can't change the name of instance...

Nothing was changed on server, rights are ok on paramters.php : -rw-rw-r--(664) apache:apache

Any idea ?


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04 Avr 2024 14:07 #2 by babynus

i'm on V11.1.3.

You should be on V11.1.5, the last patch of V11.1

Nothing was changed on server

Sure something was changes as nothing remoives plugin features automatically

Any error in log file or in browser console ?

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05 Avr 2024 09:04 #3 by jmmbb
Found the error !
Menu entry was masked by console !
I use 80% zoom for convenience on browse (FireFox), then, menu is not displayed entirely and last line is not accessible, even scrolling to the end...

I can explain why but, while changing console to message to lower box under menu resize and i found my plugins menu !

Strange, i can't reproduce now...

Thanks for help


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