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ProjeQtOr free project management software - MODULE OF MANAGEMENT OF REGULATED ABSENCES - ProjeQtOr


21 Dec 2018 11:43 #1 by tabary

I realized a module of 'MANAGEMENT OF REGULATED ABSENCES' (that is to say: Leave, RTT, Disease Stop, etc.).

Here are the sources (checked with branch 7.4) and associated documentation (in French).

For the source, i extract only directories with changes and in those only changes for : db, external, tool/i18n

I am willing to put it in PlugIn (free) but do not know how to build the plugin and do not really see how to do when you modify for example the sources of CORE.

Do you have a complete procedure and recommendations so that I can do the plugging work?

Looking forward to hear from you :


Best regards

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21 Dec 2018 14:53 #2 by babynus
Hi Marc,

Thank you for this new contribution.
I've quickly read the documentation : it seems great.

To ba able to integrate the code, It will be defficult to treat folders as you send, as it may rease some of our code.
If you did this from branch V7.4, could you please generate a patch file, that will integrate only changes.
It will help me a lot to integrate your changes.
Thanks in advance, and thanks again for this contribution.

NB : about integration as a plugin, it will not be possible as it seems you added items in core code (SqlElement.php, projeqtor.pjp)
But maybe activation through a dedicated parameter, as you did for Notification System, may be a good alternative.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
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27 Dec 2018 09:38 #3 by tabary

Here are the patches from V7.4.0.

Best regards

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27 Dec 2018 15:41 #4 by babynus


Thnak you very mush.
I will integrate this as soon as possible and give you a feedback.

Thnaks for your contribution.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
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28 Dec 2018 11:59 #5 by babynus

I tested your contribution.

First, it is impressive :woohoo:
There are many really very good ideas.

Here are my first (I hope constructive) remarks :

* Attention, in db scripts, name of tables MUST be in lowercase
This is a technical constraint : if names are stored with uppercases, issue may occur with linux and postgresql

* isLeaveManager on resource
maybe this, being an access right, may be defined elsewhere

* isLeaveMngProject on project
Why not use "Administrative" project ?

* isLeaveMngWorkflow on workflow
Why not just select a workflow (on global parameters or else)

* Issue with PHPExcel.php
If I leave line 38 in projeqtor.php
require_once '../external/PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel.php';
I get an error.
It seems the Autoload in PHPExcel.php sets a mess with projeqtor

* Icons are missing in patchs
Ok, I found them in full version ;)

* Translation missing
I found translations in lang.js but not sure I found all
Could you please send changes or lang.xls file ?
(not found in full version)

* Some code is missing in the patchs
For instance "addGenericBankOffDays" is not is the patch
I found it in full version, in projectorDialog.js.
I could copy it, but I think other parts of code are not working.
Identifying all missing parts is almost impossible on my side.
Moreover, this code should be included in projeqtorHR.js.
Also, some features were not working, and I found that some complete scripts were missing (leaveCalendar.php, leaveCalendarPopupErrorAndResult.php, leavesSystemHabilitation.php, dashboardEmployeeManager.php)
I'm noit sure I found all missing items.

* Some minor ergonomic issues are remaining
For instance, in leave calendar screen,
- there is an extra unnecessary vertical scrollbar
- buttons have strange caracters as caption (surely some non utf8 encoding of script)
- you can move a leave period, this show a pop-up, chenge change does not seem to be saved.

As a summary, there is great potential, but it needs more reliability and integration will require hard work.
So we won't be able to integrate it on V7.4.
Moreover, this module will push projeqtor to V8 ;)
So we'll plan to integrate it on V8.0 that will replace V7.5 (or possibly replace V7.5+V7.6).
We'll possibly also try and include modules management in ProjeQtOr on this version.
The idea is to be able to select, at installation and able to change later, the "modules" that will be used :
- HR
- Financial
- Configuration (products, component, versions)
- ...
to be able to "remove" parts that will not be used depending on needs of the company.

Thanks again for this contribution.
It would be great if you could provide patch with fixing of upper remarks.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
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28 Dec 2018 21:33 #6 by tabary

Thank you for your remarks.

Here new patches (I hope they are complete this time :( )

My answers below:

* Attention, in db scripts, name of tables MUST be in lowercase

* isLeaveManager on resource
I had thought of making an 'EmployeeManager' table (just like for 'Employee').
Maybe when I will use the other features of the 'HR Management' module

* isLeaveMngProject on project
Why not use "Administrative" project ?
Because I want to dedicate this project to regulated absences without 'polishing' an existing project.
In addition, I use 'Administrative' projects for other things.

* isLeaveMngWorkflow on workflow
Why not just select a workflow (on global parameters or else)
The workflow can not be changed.
Indeed, it can only have 3 statuses:
  * Recorded = Absence requested
  * Validated = Absence accepted
  * Canceled = Absence denied

* Issue with PHPExcel.php
If I leave line 38 in projeqtor.php
require_once '../external/PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel.php';
I get an error.
It seems the Autoload in PHPExcel.php sets a mess with projeqtor
Is the directory 'PHPExcel' created in 'external'.
For me, everything is ok.
Maybe the 'external' patch did not integrate everything.
When in doubt, the PHPExcel zip is attached.

* Translation missing

* Some code is missing in the patchs

* Some minor ergonomic issues are remaining
For instance, in leave calendar screen,
- there is an extra unnecessary vertical scrollbar

- buttons have strange caracters as caption (surely some non utf8 encoding of script)
Patch with UTF8 encoding 'external\dojox\calendar\nls\*.*' and 'external\dojox\calendar\nls\fr\*.*'

- you can move a leave period, this show a pop-up, chenge change does not seem to be saved.
For me, all is correct. Popup is show. I valid and changes are saved. May be, because the patch 'view' was not complete

Hoping to have met your expectations

Best regards,

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