We just deployed two versions :=> V9.0.6, patch on stable release V9.0, including all last identified issues=> V9.1.0, on release candidate including several improvements
Several GUI improvements to ease day-to-day activity
Resise and move columns in lists with Drag & Drop
Position cursor on field on error when blocking message is displayed
In multiple update, include update of all fields
Possibility to lock left work for some profiles
Stop for Activities and Projects
Hability to pause an activty or whole project
Behaves like "fix planning" but with clensing of existing planned work
Efficient to postpone a project or an activity
Management of ordered work
Possibility to define on command some items ordered from Work Unit Catalog. This builds some "stock" of units.
Then on Activity, we can define which ordered work, and how many items are used from the stock of ordered Work Units.
We can also bill Work Units, selecting on the invoice which items are billed
Finaly, on the Command, we have summary of Ordered / Done / Billed for each work unit.
Sub-tasks management as todo list
Possibility to list sub-tasks on activities, tickets and actions, without having to create new object such as activity
Sub-tasks defined in a "quick-to-enter" table, like Excel sheet : new line alway available, direct enter
For each line, enter priority, responsible and status, not in status list, just as macro status (in progress, done closed)
Main screen to see and manage todo-lists for all items having toto-list
An few other improvements you'll discover in the
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