Having very similar problems with LDAP connection, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
We keep getting the error: ldap_bind(): Unable to bind to server: Invalid credentials
1. The user we are trying to log in with is a valid working LDAP user, "ourdomain.net\bmullins", with valid email address, and can log in via other means.
2. The LDAP authentication user has also been verified and can log in via other means.
3. We use Active Directory, so presumably the default user filter specified in Projeqtor works; I am unsure how to test.
4. LDAP authentication module in PHP.ini is enabled (that was the first problem I ran into).
5. There are no firewalls blocking the LDAP port, and we have not changed the default port number.
Parameters are:
Connection with LDAP Users: YES
LDAP base dn : DC=ourdomain,DC=net
LDAP host: dc1.ourdomain.net
LDAP port: 389
LDAP version: 3
LDAP user: CN=ldapprojeqtor,DC=ourdomain,DC=net
LDAP Passwowrd: ****** (our password)
LDAP user filter: uid=%username%
Here is the debug trace:
2014-10-02 18:08:07 ----- DEBUG ----- 0.071998;desc itresource
2014-10-02 18:08:07 ----- DEBUG ----- 0.00074;select * from itresource where itresource.name='ourdomain.net\\bmullins' and itresource.isUser = '1'
2014-10-02 18:08:09 ----- DEBUG ----- 0.028237;desc itparameter
2014-10-02 18:08:09 ----- DEBUG ----- 0.018768;select * from itparameter where itparameter.idUser is null and itparameter.idProject is null and itparameter.parameterCode='dbVersion'
2014-10-02 18:08:09 ----- DEBUG ----- 0.002663;desc itresource
2014-10-02 18:08:09 ----- DEBUG ----- 0.000487;select * from itresource where itresource.name='ourdomain.net\\bmullins' and itresource.isUser = '1'
2014-10-02 18:08:09 ----- DEBUG ----- 0.000931;select * from itparameter where (idUser is null and idProject is null)
2014-10-02 18:08:09 ***** ERROR ***** ERROR *****
2014-10-02 18:08:09 ***** ERROR ***** on file 'C:\UniServerZ\www\projeqtor\model\User.php' at line (765)
2014-10-02 18:08:09 ***** ERROR ***** cause = ldap_bind(): Unable to bind to server: Invalid credentials