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ProjeQtOr - Project Management Tool
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ProjeQtOr free project management software - CrowdReviews - We as Community can do much better for our favourite tool! - ProjeQtOr

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CrowdReviews - We as Community can do much better for our favourite tool!

21 Jui 2016 09:05 #1 by sagar.toshniwal
Certainly, we all can. ProjeQtOr is definitely my and the entire community's favourite tool. It is a tool of choice!

I really don't know how much value CrowdReviews is going to bring to our beloved tool. But something is better!! And I really want to see this fantabulous tool to be ranked in top 25, if not in top 10.

As of today, see below the ranking in project management software on CrowdReviews. #47?? Huh???

We certainly can do it much better. I urge all the users of this community - fresh and all - to give honest reviews on the crowdreviews website. Let our voice be heard.

A request to ProjeQtOr Management Team: Please have a look at the screenshot. Some of the ratings can be automatically improved if you take certain actions - like completing verification, providing description, etc. Appreciate if you could get this done please.

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