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Client orders - Same profile, different view

05 Jan 2023 18:16 #1 by luchomqz

We are experiencing a strange behaviour with the Client orders llist.
Users with the same profile (administrator, for example), are seeing diferent results. Some see more, some see less, when we expect that all administrators see all the loaded client orders.
The same happens with other custom profiles. For the same asignament, the number of client orders shown seems to be random.

We are using version 10.2.1



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06 Jan 2023 10:31 - 06 Jan 2023 10:32 #2 by kobetsu
In case of profiles rule is - your profile will "see" only profiles equal to you and "lower" (means with higher sort order). So check sort order defined in profile document.
Last edit: 06 Jan 2023 10:32 by kobetsu.

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06 Jan 2023 15:08 #3 by luchomqz
Thanks Kobetsu

But in our case we have users with the same profile (administrators) seeing a different number of client orders. When we expect all off them to see all the client orders.

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06 Jan 2023 17:29 #4 by babynus
If the users are assigned to some projects, they get this profile on the project.
It mean that even Admin users may "loose" viqibility of some items if they are assigned as Team Members to projects.

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