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No user created from LDAP

17 Jan 2023 16:16 #1 by DINF_UdeS
Since we migrate to the latest version (10.2.1), new users who log in with ldap do not create the new user, nor resource/contact. The user can however access Projeqtor, but doesn't see anything. After checking the code, the problem is that authentication method do a rollback on the BD thus removing the newly created user. The erreur is that it doesn't have access to create Resource. However, the authenticate method do not return an error if a rollback occur, thus allowing the user to log in, but without a real user. 

I have add trace log in authenticate method and save method of UserMain, ResourceMain and this is a result :
User->authenticate('userID', 'password')
User->authenticate : access through LDAP
User->authenticate : LDAP authenticate
===== TRACE ===== User->save - Parent save : Utilisateur #492 inséré<input type="hidden" id="lastSaveId" value="492" /><input type="hidden" id="lastOperation" value="insert" /><input type="hidden" id="lastOperationStatus" value="OK" />
===== TRACE ===== User->save - Erreur save ressource : <b>Contrôles invalides.</b><br/><br/>Vous n'avez pas le droit de mettre à jour cet élément <span style="font-style:italic">(Ressource #492)</span><input type="hidden" id="lastOperationStatus" value="INVALID" /><input type="hidden" id="lastSaveId" value="492" /><input type="hidden" id="lastOperation" value="control" />
===== TRACE ===== authenticate - Rollback user creation : <b>Contrôles invalides.</b><br/><br/>Vous n'avez pas le droit de mettre à jour cet élément <span style="font-style:italic">(Ressource #492)</span><input type="hidden" id="lastOperationStatus" value="INVALID" /><input type="hidden" id="lastSaveId" value="492" /><input type="hidden" id="lastOperation" value="control" />
===== TRACE ===== User->save - Parent save : L'élément Utilisateur #492 n'a pas été trouvé dans la base de données.<input type="hidden" id="lastSaveId" value="492" /><input type="hidden" id="lastOperation" value="update" /><input type="hidden" id="lastOperationStatus" value="ERROR" />

Is there a new configuration to adjust following the update?

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17 Jan 2023 17:27 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic No user created from LDAP
Thanks for your detailed explanation.
This helped me find the issue and fix it.
To fix, add one line after line 1406 in projeqtor/model/UserMain.php :
    public function authenticate( $paramlogin, $parampassword) {

​​​​​​​This fix will be included in patch V10.2.2

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17 Jan 2023 17:39 #3 by DINF_UdeS
Replied by DINF_UdeS on topic No user created from LDAP
Thanks for the fix. It works.
As an administrator however, I cannot change the common name of the user as before. I can only change the initials on the user. Maybe it is related to my other post? The access seem to be broken. Does this recursiveControl check be related?
Thanks again!

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17 Jan 2023 18:10 #4 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic No user created from LDAP
As an administrator however, I cannot change the common name of the user as before. I can only change the initials on the user.
What message do you get ?
Do you have errors in the log file ?
Maybe it is related to my other post? The access seem to be broken. Does this recursiveControl check be related?
Possible, no sure.

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17 Jan 2023 18:12 #5 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic No user created from LDAP
I just tested and could not reproduce the issue.

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17 Jan 2023 18:16 #6 by DINF_UdeS
Replied by DINF_UdeS on topic No user created from LDAP
The field is just greyd and I cannot modify the content. No errors in the log...

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