If I try to get the data using https, it works fine when I get a single project, but I have the issue when I use "all" the projects.
Actually, there is more than one field missing. I attached a file with the differences.The format is the following:what I get in version 11.0.1, including custom fields, followed by what I get in version 11.0.2Every time I get missing fields, I break the line and add a tab with all the missing fields. I break the line only when the field appears in version 11.0.2. Here are the first lines to illustrate:
'id', 'nsipID', 'ijcID', 'nom', 'idProjectType', 'type',
'idProject', 'est sous projet de',
'WBS externe', 'idOrganization', 'organisation', 'idCategory', 'catégorie',
'idClient', 'client', 'idContact', 'contact facturation', 'idCatalogUO',
'nameCatalogUO', 'idCalendarDefinition', 'nameCalendarDefinition', 'code projet',
Meaning that in 11.0.2, I get the fields from 'id' to 'type', then miss the fields from 'idProject' to 'est sous projet de', then get 'WBS externe' until 'catégorie', miss from 'idClient' to 'nameCatalagoUO', and so on. So it is much more than the only field I mentioned in my earlier post.
Note that some fields are not in the same order: I skipped a line in the text file to list them.
I have three lists in the text file: what I get in 11.0.1, what I get in 11.0.2 with my screen customization, what I get when I reset the screen customization. Note that the fields missings after customization are not exactly the same as those missing after resetting the customization. So it seems that the customization has indeed an effect, that seems to be not reversible.
This is produced with the modification you suggested.
Hope this helps.