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Bug on close project

12 Déc 2013 06:54 #1 by jotrong
Bug on close project was created by jotrong
Hi Babynus,

I found a bug that cannot close a project. Here is the report
2013-11-26 00:56:24 ***** ERROR ***** ERROR *****
2013-11-26 00:56:24 ***** ERROR ***** on file '/home/content/33/10953933/html/projectorria/model/User.php' at line (544)
2013-11-26 00:56:24 ***** ERROR ***** cause = Undefined variable: requestRefreshProject

The host is Linux, so may be somehow it related to the capital charater?

Thank you


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12 Déc 2013 09:53 - 12 Déc 2013 09:55 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Bug on close project

No, issue is not due to capital character.
But issue is confirmed.

Just replace

Fix will soon be deployed

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 12 Déc 2013 09:55 by babynus.

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12 Déc 2013 09:58 - 12 Déc 2013 09:59 #3 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Bug on close project

For information, this bug will happen only is one of the resources affected to the project is currently connected to the application.
Just request these resources to disconnect, and you'll be able to close the project without having to even fix the issue. ;)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 12 Déc 2013 09:59 by babynus.

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12 Déc 2013 09:59 #4 by jotrong
Replied by jotrong on topic Bug on close project
Hi Babynus,

Thank you for your update.

I tried this and it work well. But it may generate another bug on responsible.
After changing this, a project leader cannot see the list of afectation user on the related project, but the list of the rest.


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12 Déc 2013 10:09 #5 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Bug on close project

It is normal : if project is closed, affectations are also closed (cannot close an item with non closed sub-elements).
The affectations list is still displayed in the project view.
Or select "show closed items" to see closed affectations.

Important :
By defaut, items of closed project are not visible : this is due to rights management.
Users (except admin) only see data of the project they are affected to.
As closing a project also closed its affectations, users don't have rights any more to see these data.
V4.0 introduces the possibility to view data of closed projects : you must use the parameter button beside the project selector (on top left of the screen)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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13 Déc 2013 03:37 #6 by jotrong
Replied by jotrong on topic Bug on close project
Hi Babynus,

The project is not closed, it's another project which is active. When I have a role of Project leader and want to assign a task to a responsible. I don't see my user affected, but just the other users.

So strange.

Could you help

Many many thanks

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