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ProjeQtOr free project management software - [SOLVED] Asset management: asset tag/id +barcode & update child location - ProjeQtOr

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[SOLVED] Asset management: asset tag/id +barcode & update child location

10 Jui 2020 06:04 - 10 Jui 2020 06:33 #1 by rkantos
Related to my previous feature request about barcodes/RFID, I would like to suggest a little bit easier feature of adding barcodes (EAN/QR) support to assets management or other modules as well.

I also request a feature where the children locations of an asset can be be selected (with a checkbox on parent/child or both) to update their location with the parent asset.

  1. E.g. Update parent location -> check checbox ("Update child locations when parent location is updated") on parent to update child locations & Detect if asset is a child of a parent asset -> Update child asset location -> check/uncheck checkbox ("Update or do not update child location when parent location is updated") if location should update with the parent asset's location. A confirmation popup or other type of UI confirmation after clicking the checkbox is probably necessary.

  2. For barcode support: generate ids (like now) beforehand or asset tags (inventory number) that can be printed before the actual assets exist in the Projeqtor. After generating for example 100 ids, the next id that would be created inside Projeqtor manually should be N+100, e.g. 101 if there are no existing assets.

    Make it possible to customize printable barcodes (or csv list for printing) to contain either the URL or ID or a asset tag (inventory number) of the asset. Also other details of the asset could be made to be printable, but that requires more thought on the design.
Last edit: 10 Jui 2020 06:33 by rkantos.
The topic has been locked.
12 Jui 2020 07:46 #2 by babynus

Recorded as Tickets #4707 and #4708.

For barecodes, I don't understand interest to generate barecodes for non existing assets.
I guess you mean to print stickers to put on new assets, but then how do you expect to create item in projeqtor afterwards with corresponding id to describe the asset ?

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