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curriculum vitae

21 Aoû 2022 17:14 #1 by LEADER
curriculum vitae was created by LEADER
Is it plan to add a possibility to manage curriculums vitae into Projeqtor.
In several project we need to recrut people (resources) and to select candidate.
I think it will be a good think to add this functionality in Projeqtor with a workflow of approval, recrutment, test period, and major skills mandatory for the job.
We try to use the document workflow but it is not adapted for this (we need to have approval by the manager, after by the human resource manager and we need to check if we receice the letter of the candidate and to manager review before the final decision)

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22 Aoû 2022 10:44 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic curriculum vitae
It is not is the focus of ProjeQtOr.
These are Enterprise needs, not Project needs.
Even if ProjeQtOr includes features that make it look like an ERP, it not one.

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