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Meeting report

01 Jui 2021 11:20 #1 by Bena
Meeting report was created by Bena

I'm looking for a way to simplify meetings preparation and reports with projeqtor.
The meeting is with my management to report about many projects.

Currently, we use a word document with a task list. For each task, we add comment, decision, evolution, ... and use that file again at the next meeting.

We have tried some report in projeqtor but I does not find the perfect one.

Any idea ?


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01 Jui 2021 12:03 #2 by Flou
Replied by Flou on topic Meeting report

you want a report that includes the actions, questions and decisions related to a meeting, also with the progress of the meeting?

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02 Jui 2021 23:42 #3 by Bena
Replied by Bena on topic Meeting report
Yes, and the evolution of project / activities between two meetings.

It might not be a report but an other way to do that.


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03 Jui 2021 13:53 #4 by Flou
Replied by Flou on topic Meeting report
Actually on projeqtor, it's not possible to have this information on an unique report, or an specific screen.

If you can explain in more detail what you want with examples, and we find it useful to the community, we recording the request in roadMap   

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06 Jui 2021 00:39 #5 by MisterT
Replied by MisterT on topic Meeting report
I'm new to this forum, and I have the similar kind of request. May be I could explain...

First of all, many thanks for that tool.
Very impressive.
A complete toolbox for managing Projects (and many other related topics).
Thanks for making it available to the community !

That being said, let's get back to the original questions.

On my side, when exporting a Meeting information, I would appreciate seeing the detailed information about each linked item (Action, Decision, Question, Risk,...).
Currently there is a table, but information is a very high level overview (title, status, owner). More info on each entry would be appreciated, either in the same table, or as additional information in another section of the Meeting report.

Regarding the "evolution" topic, I think I'm also sharing the same need.
Usually, when you attend a meeting, on a recurring basis, you are expected to give updates on the open topics (actions, questions,...)
So, finding a way to present this in the Meeting report, would be much appreciated...
Currently, using other tools (even the always-used-spreadsheet), I come to define a field named "updates", in which I enter each update, one on top of the other, starting the line with the timestamp of the update.
I don't know if this could be possible, as I could not find this notion of "timestamp" in ProjeQtOr today... (but I'm still very new to the tool, so forgive me if I missed it  )
This is a common usage in ticketing systems when you update logs or other similar fields...

Hope this helps !
Thanks again

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15 Jui 2021 15:12 #6 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Meeting report

Currently there is a table, but information is a very high level overview (title, status, owner). More info on each entry would be appreciated, either in the same table, or as additional information in another section of the Meeting report.

You could use thje Template report plugin.
For each link you could show all these fields :
(Have a look at the plugin manual in the plugin shop)

Currently, using other tools (even the always-used-spreadsheet), I come to define a field named "updates", in which I enter each update, one on top of the other, starting the line with the timestamp of the update.

Projeqtor automatically saves all changes in an history, and you can see it.
Moreover, most items show the "last update datetime".

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