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How to install Project'or RIA?

12 Jui 2012 21:47 #1 by Laure

Sorry in advance for my stupid question but I don't know anything about computers and informatic, but I would like to try project'or RIA for my work. It seems to be a complete software and easy to use. Unfortunately, I downloaded the 2.2.3 version but there is no .exe file. I guess I missed something simple, because of my ignorance in IT stuff...Or I dont have the requested stuff on my PC maybe.

I have a laptop with windows 7 and use firefox. But I even don't know what a PHP server is...

And second thing: I created first an account to try the online demo but it tells me "Invalid login parameters".

I guess somebody can help me. That's the basis!
And if you speek french, of course it'll be easier for me to understand in my mother tongue. Thanks a lot!


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12 Jui 2012 22:10 #2 by climb4fun
Hi Laure,

unfortunately I didn't speek french. But your first source of information should be: click "Demo" and "online manual". There is a good basic install information.

To be honest, if you never deployed a web application, it might be a hard way.

Let me know your progress.


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12 Jui 2012 23:26 - 12 Jui 2012 23:40 #3 by babynus
Sorry, I'll answer in english :( so that most users can understand and benefit of the explanation. ;)

Project'Or RIA is a web based application. This means you must first install a web server. In fact, you need Apache (web server) PHP (scripting language) and MySql (Database). :sick:
But don't be afraid, you can find some WAMP (Windows Apache Mysql Php) stacks, fully packaged with all you need. I recommand EasyPHP, for testing, as it is very easy to setup and use. :woohoo:
Here is how to do :
  • => Download latest stable EasyPHP release (V5.3.9) :
  • => Install it on your computer (it is a setup exe file...). You can leave all defaut parameters for installation. It should be installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9.
  • => Download Project'Or RIA (zip file) and unzip it in the www sub-directory of EasyPhp. You should then have C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\projectorria.
  • => Start easyPhp (if not done wet).
  • => Open your browser and go to url : http://localhost/projectorria
    localhost is your computer ;).
  • => You will get in the config screen. :silly:. You can leave all parameters to default : it will work with easyPhp :whistle: .
  • => Click OK : you'll get message "Database 'projectorria' created. Parameters are saved." :) .
  • => Click Continue :cheer: .
  • => You're on the login screen :evil:. Login as admin/admin. On first login, the tool will create all tables in the database, so it make take some time : no more than one or two minutes on slow computer :blush: , 10 seconds on mine :P. Then you'll get message "DATABASE UPDATE COMPLETED TO VERSION V2.3.0" :pinch: . Keep going ! you're almost in. Click OK again : YOU'RE IN :cheer: .
NB : I'm building some hosting service, at reasonable fee.
I could provide some temporary hosting for testing.
If you're interested, contact me at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. (you can email in french :kiss: )

Have fun B)


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 12 Jui 2012 23:40 by babynus.

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12 Jui 2012 23:43 #4 by babynus
Complement information :
To log on demo, use guest/guest or invité/invité (for french).
Account is valid only for web site and forum, not for the application.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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13 Jui 2012 21:08 #5 by Laure
that's great!! That's a good explanation for a beginner!!
unfortuantely I couldnt pass the step 2 which is: "unzip it in the www sub-directory of EasyPhp. You should then have C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\projectorria"

Maybe I'll give up, it's maybe too complicated for me if I'm already stuck to install it :(

Does it mean that you need a constant internet connection to work on Project'or RIA?

And thanks for the proposition of hodsting service. But I'm working for an NGO and we dont have the budget for it. Anyway, I'll try once again, if you explain me how to unzip the file, and if it's too complicated I'll surch for something else.

Thank you anyway for developping such softwares!

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13 Jui 2012 23:25 #6 by babynus

unzip it in the www sub-directory of EasyPhp. You should then have C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\projectorria

If you get the zip file, just copy it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\projectorria" (with windows file explorer). If you did not get the zip file , it is just easy : go to page (with your brower), right click on the last stable release link "V2.2.3", as select "save target as" (or equivalent, it depends on the browser) and select to save in directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\". Wait until download is finished.
Then open the Windows file explorer and go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\". You will see file Right click on the file, and select "extract here".

Does it mean that you need a constant internet connection to work on Project'or RIA?

No, not if you use it locally. But the power of Project'Or RIA is that is is collabiorative : data is share between all users ; for this you need to share the access through a network (your enterprise network, or the internet).

Just try the demo (log in as invité/invité), you'll see if it's worth the effort to have it run on your own.

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