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[SOLVED] Stuck with sendmail and projeqtor

20 Sep 2018 18:19 #7 by babynus

Hi - as stated above. i tried gmail as sender (smtp) and as receipient and both as the same time. so in fact i think my webserver for projeqtor has an issue. but i dont know where.

Take care when using
smtp host =
you must specify
smtp port = 587
and you absolutely need to use an valid gmail acocunt for user / password.

is there any config-file or ini which can cross the normal behaviour. should i reinstall the php mailing apps? or should i install postfix and configure to that?

Default uses phpMailer.
You can cange the "mailer Type" in global parameter to use PHPMail function of sockets connection

the php mailing library needs a sendmail path? without it runs on a error. if filled (even with nonsense) it says email sent.

It is required only if your select PHPMail as mailer and sendmail is not installed at deault location.

as the mailserver seems to be not the issue and projeqtor states he sends out the messages,there can only be some issue with interfaces or config files, am i right?

I think it is, but I'm not a specialist in email sending

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25 Jan 2019 12:21 #8 by 4ce
ok we had several problems which are now solved.

sending mails will work from now on. imap is configured (correctly) - no error messages will be generated.

so from this point i have a question.

is there a log file which logs the email answers? imap seems to work, but no notes will be attached.

i searched the forum but did not receive an answer where to look for logs or to test the receiving of emails.

thank you for your help

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25 Jan 2019 14:19 #9 by babynus

is there a log file which logs the email answers? imap seems to work, but no notes will be attached.

No, you'll have to code it yourself.

Find code deling with reading imap and add
debugLog("your messge");
traceLog("your messge");

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12 Mar 2019 10:48 #10 by 4ce
hi there its me again.

thank you for your help already given.

actually i point out my problem, but again i am stuck.

the connection to imap will work, and after a small test php it works fine and response the mails listet in the inbox. BUT the imap_open command from projeqtor will only response:

Mailbox is empty

I tried setting the conditions of searched mails from "unseen" to "all" but noc changes. also i tried every kind of inbox foldername but still the same.

for me it looks like he did not find the inbox Folder. and if imap open has a folder in the string which does not exist, he will always response "mailbox is empty". in my test.php "Inbox" is working fine, so i guess that projeqtor transforms the string not in the way he receives a working feedback.

also i tried sending a plaintext response, so that i am shure it is no converting problem. i am sorry that i can not provide any further logfile, because the only log i get is "Mailbox is empty".

do you have any clue which can send me in the right direction?

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12 Mar 2019 15:34 #11 by jmmbb

got the same problem with IMAP; No mail read from iINBOX...

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13 Mar 2019 15:52 #12 by babynus
First, take care of case when writing inbox name.
In most cases, Inbox must be written in uppercase (INBOX)

Be sure that the "reply to" parameter is corresponding to inbox account.

At least, when user replies to email, he must preserve the original message.
(and I'm not sure it will work is message uses a specific template)

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