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Initial setup and postgresql with no user dbname

17 Juil 2023 16:04 #1 by

I am installing a new instance of ProjeQtOr with PostgreSQL database, but I am facing a connection problem:

SQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "***.***.***.***", user "xpqotestle", database "xpqotestle", SSL off
dsn = pgsql:host=********;port=5432

pg_hba.conf is well configured. The dbuser xpqotestle has no database named xpqotestle: totally normal by our database naming rules. The dbuser should connect to database named xpqop1_test, which is already created and which is specified in the setup form.

The problem seem to be: with no database specified on the first connection test (seen in tool/configCheck.php), PDO_pgsql try to connect to default dbuser database.

How to deal this?

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17 Juil 2023 17:54 #2 by babynus
If you know what is wrong, change it in file parameters.php.
Or you can replay the configuration : just remove file tool/parametersLocation.php.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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17 Juil 2023 18:13 #3 by
In fact, parameter.php is not created, the checks fails.
If I modify tool/configCheck.php to take the dbname into account on the first connection check ("check without database") it works.
When using pgsql, and dbname different from dbuser (and there is no db with the same name as dbuser) the check fails.

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21 Juil 2023 14:57 #4 by babynus
With PostgreSql DB should be created first.
Then dedicated user should be created and set as owner od DB.
Then DB name can be different from DB User

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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21 Juil 2023 16:58 #5 by
Well, I could get around the problem (I hacked configCheck.php). But I am pretty sure the DB was created before the user, and sure that the user was the owner of the DB.

I am on holiday, but I would try to reproduce the situation.

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