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change sender in Mailing of Global parameters

14 Déc 2023 02:58 #7 by nh-nam
I tried this new email account; Works perfectly because of the same mail server system.
The problem occurred when I changed the admin's email from my personal email to another email (in this case projeqtor@);
Projeqtor saves all but logout and login or login from another computer, it's the same
Showing old 4 information:
email of administrator (old nam.nh@; new projeqtor@),
'from' email when sending mails (old nam.nh@; new projeqtor@),
'reply to' email when sending mails (old nam.nh@; new projeqtor@),
smtp port. (25 old; new 587)
and use it when sending test emails;

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16 Déc 2023 10:55 - 16 Déc 2023 10:57 #8 by babynus
It seems you activated option "send email as current user"
You mail server rejects this : you connect to the smtp server with one email and try to send the email from another address.
Some server configurations will reject this unles the login account is expliciutely configured to allow sending for some other addresses
You should disable the option in global parameters

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 16 Déc 2023 10:57 by babynus.

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