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[SOLVED] Impossible to remove planned intervention's allocation

31 Oct 2024 15:01 #1 by silvia
Hi all,
to manually plan the allocations of resources to activities, we use both the "assignement pop-up" or the "planned intervention".
However, it happens very often (but not always) that we CAN'T remove assignments created in the past, neither if we use the "assignement pop-up" nor the "planned intervention". You can see it in the pictures in attachment: the "gears wheel" turns forever.

It doesn't happen if you allocate a cell and you try to remove it immediately: in this case you can remove it without any problem.
The issue is with allocations madeat least the previous day.

Additionally, with some combinations of user+project+resource, the user can't allocate hours: he clicks on the cell but it doesn't select.
Unfortunately, this issue is difficult to explain as we don't know what to tell you to replicate: we didn't understand if there is a specific user profile for which it happens, ...

We are using version 11.3.2

Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards


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12 Nov 2024 09:24 #2 by silvia
Hi all,
any update on this? It is a very blocking issue as it doens't allow us to use the manual planning functionality.

Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards

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12 Nov 2024 14:26 #3 by
Hi, we can't reproduce your issue.
Can you send a step by step method to do it and attach your projeqtor log and a screen of your browser console to make it more clear to understand.


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12 Nov 2024 23:45 - 12 Nov 2024 23:48 #4 by silvia
thank you very much for tou support. Here the steps we followed:
Version 11.3.2. I'm using the admin account but the same issue occurs with other profiles.
1) Create a project of type "Internal". The project is created via bulk import
1b) Allocate resources to it with Profile "Project Leader"
2) Create activities associated to it. The activity type is a "custom" one, but I can tell you that is a type whose default planning mode is "manual planning". Activities are created via bulk import.
2b) Pick an activity and allocate all project's resources as "Manager"
3) In the "Progress" tab, manual book some hours for one resource. Just one half-day is enough
3b) You can do the same via the "Planned Intervention". The problem occurs in both cases.
4) Normally, If you reclick after few seconds on the selected cell, you are able to remove the hours.
4b) Conversely, If you wait for some hours or some days, when you reclick on the hours to deselect it, it start loading, loading without doing anything. You can see it in attachment: I'm trying to remove an allocation made some days ago, but it just loads.
The log doesn't report anything, as shown in attachment. Is there any other log I can check?

We have two different environments and both have the same problem.

I hope it helps. Let me know for any additional information.

Last edit: 12 Nov 2024 23:48 by silvia. Reason: forgot attachments

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23 Nov 2024 10:56 #5 by babynus

I have recorded some similar case with manual planning on V11.3 and V11.4, to check in few days to remove the manual planning.

During reecording of the test I found existing manual planned work, stores for several days/weeks on my test instance on V11.4.
I could remove planned days without issue.

Possibly your issue is very specific with your instance, due to bulk import or collaborative interactions of the team on the activities.
Only way for us to analyse would be to get a anonymized dump of you DB and test on instance where we import this dump.
But we won't provide this support on community free support.
We reserve this opearation to subscribers of professional support service, or through assistance serivce.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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12 Déc 2024 13:02 #6 by silvia
Dear babynus,
thank yoiu very much for your help.
We just updated the platform version from 11.3.2 to 11.4 and now the issue seems to be automatically solved.

I hope it won't occur anymore ;)

Thank you again,

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