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ProjeQtOr free project management software - Responsabile not needed for status "assigned" - ProjeQtOr

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Responsabile not needed for status "assigned"

16 Déc 2024 11:10 #1 by jmmbb

when item is set in status "assigned", responsable is not required.
We have to pass to first state "in progress" to set it.

Is it expected ? It seems that status "assigned" needs to set Responsable who's item is assigned.

I use workflow with differents status and assigned is good for setting responsable in KANBAN before responsable start working (status "in progress").

Here are the states i use :

Here is the KANBAN :

Passing from "accepté" to "assigné" doesn't ask for responsable, it ask only when passing from "assigné" to "en cours".

Expect to be clear.


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17 Déc 2024 14:27 #2 by
this is the expected behavior, responsible is only required when you pass your status to in progress.
But you can use the screen customization plugin to set any field to required using "change field attributes for given status" and so set responsible required for assign status.

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19 Déc 2024 10:53 #3 by jmmbb

thanks for reply but this lead only to error message "invalid control : field responsable in mandatory"....
Is it possible to get a popup to set the responsable (from list of ressource on task) like for result for example ?

So we can use KANBAN to the whole cycle, whitout the need to open activity to set responsable only when it goes to "assigned".


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20 Déc 2024 20:02 #4 by babynus
Types can define that Responsible is mandatory for status "In Progress"
There is no such option for "Assigned"
Possibly you can set status "Assigned" as "In progress", then responsible will be required.

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