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Calendar and PLanning

07 Sep 2011 08:33 #1 by Guest
Calendar and PLanning was created by Guest

I've make a special calendar for work on first October (Saturday)
In activities view, the dates beginning and ending are 01/10/11
In planning view, the column for 01/10/11 is white, as a work day. But on the task I've the followings dates: begin: 03/10/11, ending: 30/09/11. And I've the case for 03/10/11 in green.

I hope my explains are comprehensives...

Best regards,

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07 Sep 2011 17:56 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic RE : Calendar and PLanning
Did you run planning after updating calender (calculation is not automatique) ?
Could you send a print screen ?

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07 Sep 2011 20:23 #3 by Guest
Replied by Guest on topic RE : Calendar and PLanning

I've run a new calcul, and I would'like come back, using only assignated dates, is it possible?
I'll look at for the work day.


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09 Sep 2011 00:01 #4 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic RE : Calendar and PLanning
Not it's not possible to revert to previous calculation.
But you may change you values and dependencies and recalculate as many times you like.


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09 Sep 2011 08:31 #5 by Guest
Replied by Guest on topic RE : Calendar and PLanning
I think that the usage i do of Projector'Ria is not good, i 'll try differently.
My way of work is this one:
I managed 2 persons in a team and near 15 in externals teams. I affected 1 person/day/task, but it's in reality the almost of tasks are of 30 mn to half day max.
Everybody can work on a task and on a incident (ticket)
Also I affect the same personn to some projects and some tasks on the same day.

John: Project 1/ Task 1 from 09/09 to 09/09 (really 2 hours)
John: Project 2 / Task 2 from 09/09 to 11/09 without link with task1( but the task is of 4 hours only and must be finish at last the 11/09 evening)
John: Incident 1 from 09/09 to 09/09
John: Incident 2: Must be execute before 13/09

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09 Sep 2011 13:41 #6 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic RE : Calendar and PLanning
Planned tasks should better be about 5-10 days.
Shorter tasks will :
- let you spend lot of time planning, compared to work on tasks
- not mesure and anticipate on planning over due (as re-estimation of task work will always occur after task is complete)

To manage it easily, small tasks (few hours) should only be stored as tickets, indicating due dates.
To follow up work on these tasks, just indicate planning activity (main ticket consuming task) and resource will imput work on the activity.
On next version, you will have reminders and alerts on due dates.
On further version, it is planned to convert some spent time on ticket into work on activity (resource indicating : "I start work" and "I stop work", what is the best way to store time on very short tasks).


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