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Delete link beetwen Ticket and task

07 Sep 2011 13:34 #1 by Guest

I've link the ticket #2 link with an activity by the listbox (planning activity).
Then i've remove the link. When i want to delete the activity, I've a msgbox as it's impossible because the ticket #1 (older ticket, closed) is also attach.
The ticket #1 is closed, and haven't link with no-one activity.

Best regards,

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07 Sep 2011 18:00 #2 by babynus
I've registered this as ticket #409 because it looks like a bug.
Could you check by reading ticket #1 that it is realy not linked to the activity ?

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07 Sep 2011 18:34 #3 by Guest
Yes, I confirm that tocket #1 is not link.

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07 Sep 2011 19:49 #4 by babynus
Hi, I could not reproduce :

My test case :
Create activity #1
Create ticket #1, no parent activity
Create ticket #2, parent activity = activity #1
Delete activity #1 : error, 1 ticket linked
Delete ticket #2 : OK
Delete activity #1 : OK

Really, as the controle is based only on the existence of a ticket with idActivity = "1", if no item exists, th con,trole can't block.

Can you check in database : existence of Ticket where idActivity = the id of the activity you try to delete (even if the ticket is closed, the deletion of the activity is refused : the activity can only be closed, not deleted)
If issue persist, can you send print screen of details to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. ?


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08 Sep 2011 11:51 #5 by Guest

It's OK now.


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09 Sep 2011 00:01 #6 by babynus
What was wrong ?

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