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how to assign a skill to a ressource

25 Oct 2022 13:30 #1 by jeanmoulin
I'm very interested in the new skills option, that I would like to use instead of the spreadsheet I'm using now.

But right now I cannot do this because I have a problem : to assign a skill to a ressource you need to go into the 'ressources' screen : so you need to have the right to access this screen and to modify the data (all the data) : my problem is that I want some of my users to be able to assign a skill to a ressource but that I do NOT want them to be able to modify the rest of the data in the 'ressources' screen (email, profile, calendar, capacity ......)

could it be possible to have this assignation made in a separate screen ?

or maybe to set up the permissions for an user in a way that he can only modify the skils in the 'ressources' screen ?


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26 Oct 2022 09:39 #2 by Arkhanje
Indeed, to be able to add skills to a resource, you must have the right to modify the resource and therefore its other information.
This may be a possible improvement.

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26 Oct 2022 09:45 #3 by jeanmoulin
thanks for your anwer
I think it would be a useful improvment. personaly I would very much like to use this skill option but I will not use it as it is now since I really do not want the users to be able to change all the data in the ressource screen


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26 Oct 2022 10:21 #4 by Arkhanje
Ticket #6648 recorded 

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27 Oct 2022 15:49 #5 by jeanmoulin
I'm sorry but when I look at the ticket 6648 in the tracking data base I read "Give team members the possibility to manage their skills : A team member should be able to access and manage their own skills. Creation - Modification and deletion.'

I'm not saying it is useless, of course it can probably be usefull in some situations, but this is not a solution to the probleme that i have with the skills assignement.

if this is implemented this way i will still not use the new 'skills' option.

I do not want the team members to manage their own skills , I want their managers to do so, but I do not want those managers to be able to change all the others informations in the 'ressources' screen


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27 Oct 2022 16:44 #6 by Arkhanje
I modified the term team member with "any profile".
Hope this suits you better.

Exactly how this will be implemented is still to be determined, but if you have any ideas on how this should be developed and integrated, there is a forum section on this and we would love to read your expertise!

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Moderators: babynusprotion
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