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Add risk mitigation information

23 Nov 2023 10:35 #1 by jmmbb
When entering a risk, the criticality is automatically calculated based on probability and impact. However, it is not possible to perform this calculation for mitigated risks. One is forced to modify the values without an action plan, which does not provide an insight into the expected effectiveness of the action plan. It is possible to add these fields via the screen customization plugin, but the automatic criticality calculation function is lost.
Adding three fields likehoodMitigated, SeverityMitigated and CriticityMitigated (compyte as Criticity) will be good to keep trace of action efficiency on risk.

Expent to be clear.


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28 Nov 2023 17:36 #2 by babynus
Sorry, that's not really clear for me.

 it is not possible to perform this calculation for mitigated risks

What do you call a mitigated risk ?

Adding three fields likehoodMitigated, SeverityMitigated and CriticityMitigated

On which class ?
On action ?
This does not seem very accurate...

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29 Nov 2023 10:34 - 29 Nov 2023 10:37 #3 by jmmbb

mitigated risk in the estimation of risk after doing reducting actions.
It is a way to measure the efficiency of reduction risk actions.

For exemple, before actions risk is high probability and high severity.
Actions taken will reduce probability and other severity, at the end, risk is estimated probability low and severity medium.

It is a good pratice to estimate and keep trace of efficiency of actions, and it is fine to trade with client or aother teams about risks and how they are managed.

It is possible to add mitigatedProbability and MitigatedSeverity via custom screen but we lose the calculation of criticality (and, by the way, the caculation may be not the same, this is an issue for compare...).

And, when you display list of risks, with value without and with mitigation, you loose the coloring of fields and then lisibility (see above).
Last edit: 29 Nov 2023 10:37 by jmmbb.

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