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Add the possibility to add a column for linked objects filtered by type

24 Nov 2023 09:50 #1 by brasal
Linked objects are a tremendous feature of projeqtor, but does not appear in objects tables like Actions. So it would be nice to be able to add linked objects column in any view and filter it on an object type. For example in my use case, I link actions to activities. I need a column Activities in the Actions table - so it would be a linked object column with filter set on activities. Of course, as we can link any type of object to any object, it would be nice to be able to add several linked object columns, filtered on different types.

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28 Nov 2023 17:39 #2 by babynus
This is not possible as there wmay be several Activities linked to an Action, as well as several Actions linked to an Activity

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29 Nov 2023 08:57 #3 by brasal

I assume they are seldom numerous, mostly one-to-one or one-to-many but in this last case, the usefull view is to see the one in the table, not the many e.g. I want to see to which activity an action is linked, not the contrary - if I want this many list, I can still go inside the activity in the linked tab.

It seems reasonnable to list them in the cell, with some cosmetic parameters available:
* show only the first n items, ordered by priority|cost|workload (configurable)

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