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ProjeQtOr free project management software - Automatically changing working hours on dates (fixed and variable) - ProjeQtOr

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Automatically changing working hours on dates (fixed and variable)

21 Mar 2024 21:47 #1 by fathibn
Several countries change official working hours several times a year: summer working hours (fixed start and end dates, account for 1/6 of the whole year working days), ramadan working hours (variable start and end dates (depends on lunar calendar), account for 1/12 of the whole year working days) and the rest of the year working hours (fixed and variable start and end dates, account for 75% of the whole year working days).
Is this already implemented in ProjeQtOr ? Or is there any workaround to implement it ? Or is it on the roadmap ?
Things get complicated, when team is split over two countries or more which don't share the same start and end dates for ramadan, or summer working hours.

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22 Mar 2024 09:51 - 22 Mar 2024 09:51 #2 by Arkhanje

Is this already implemented in ProjeQtOr ?

no it is not implemented, it is not in the roadmap either and we do not plan to integrate it unless sponsored. You can contact us to get a quote.
One solution could be to use the variation in resource capacity to adapt their FTE depending on the period.
Last edit: 22 Mar 2024 09:51 by Arkhanje.

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