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Projeqtor under Nginx

03 Juil 2015 20:16 #31 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Projeqtor under Nginx

It is not exactly the same : have reponse

<input type="hidden" id="lastOperation" name="lastOperation" value="testConnection"><input type="hidden" id="lastOperationStatus" name="lastOperationStatus" value="ERROR"><span class="messageERROR" >Verbindung abgebrochen. Bitte neu anmelden.</span>

It is not at all result expected for cryptData (should be some ; separated fields)
In fact, result is a generic message that occurs when session is lost.
So it seems Nginx does not support PHP session.
Maybe it should be configured to use sessions. If it is not possible, so Nginx will never be able to run ProjeQtOr.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
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03 Juil 2015 22:48 #32 by Chri.s
Replied by Chri.s on topic Projeqtor under Nginx
// Start Session
// Show banner
echo '<b>Session Support Checker</b><hr />';
// Check if the page has been reloaded
if(!isset($_GET['reload']) OR $_GET['reload'] != 'true') {
   // Set the message
   $_SESSION['MESSAGE'] = 'Session support enabled!<br />';
   // Give user link to check
   echo '<a href="?reload=true">Click HERE</a> to check for PHP Session Support.<br />';
} else {
   // Check if the message has been carried on in the reload
   if(isset($_SESSION['MESSAGE'])) {
      echo $_SESSION['MESSAGE'];
   } else {
      echo 'Sorry, it appears session support is not enabled, or you PHP version is to old. <a href="?reload=false">Click HERE</a> to go back.<br />';

i've tested your idea with this script. Runs fine -> Session Support enabled. Therefore i think that it's not the problem or how do you think?
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03 Juil 2015 23:50 #33 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Projeqtor under Nginx
I have an idea, that could explain behavior : content of $_SERVER variable.

Could you please try and add a debug line on line 30 (about) of /tool/projeqtor.php :

Try again.
Then post log file here.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
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04 Juil 2015 10:33 #34 by Chri.s
Replied by Chri.s on topic Projeqtor under Nginx
i placed it beyond the session_start(): directive.

After that the Server returns a 502 Bad Gateway - after removing the Site is loading again. Do you think that this could lead us to a solution?
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04 Juil 2015 11:41 #35 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Projeqtor under Nginx
Yes, this may be the point going wrong with Nginx.

The $_SERVER PHP varialbe (an array) depends on ... the server.
ProjeQtOr works fine with $_SERVER provided by Apache and has been adapted to fit IIS.
But it seems Nginx is very restrictive with this variable.
Data ha to be explicitly defined.
Here are some examples :
and also, with an explicit list of standard params expected in $_SERVER :

So please try and configure Nginx so the the


returns something, then we'll be able to check which params may be mission.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
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04 Juil 2015 13:28 #36 by Chri.s
Replied by Chri.s on topic Projeqtor under Nginx
it does not seem to be a Problem with "$_SERVER" in general

trying to run a



array(35) { ["USER"]=> string(8) "www-data" ["HOME"]=> string(8) "/var/www" ["FCGI_ROLE"]=> string(9) "RESPONDER" ["PATH_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]=> string(27) "/var/www/project/maxexe.php" ["QUERY_STRING"]=> string(0) "" ["REQUEST_METHOD"]=> string(3) "GET" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(0) "" ["CONTENT_LENGTH"]=> string(0) "" ["SCRIPT_NAME"]=> string(11) "/maxexe.php" ["REQUEST_URI"]=> string(11) "/maxexe.php" ["DOCUMENT_URI"]=> string(11) "/maxexe.php" ["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]=> string(16) "/var/www/project" ["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]=> string(8) "HTTP/1.1" ["HTTPS"]=> string(2) "on" ["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"]=> string(7) "CGI/1.1" ["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]=> string(11) "nginx/1.6.2" ["REMOTE_ADDR"]=> string(13) "" ["REMOTE_PORT"]=> string(5) "53818" ["SERVER_ADDR"]=> string(14) "" ["SERVER_PORT"]=> string(3) "443" ["SERVER_NAME"]=> string(23) "" ["REDIRECT_STATUS"]=> string(3) "200" ["HTTP_HOST"]=> string(23) "" ["HTTP_CONNECTION"]=> string(10) "keep-alive" ["HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL"]=> string(9) "max-age=0" ["HTTP_ACCEPT"]=> string(74) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]=> string(110) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.130 Safari/537.36" ["HTTP_DNT"]=> string(1) "1" ["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"]=> string(19) "gzip, deflate, sdch" ["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]=> string(35) "de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4" ["HTTP_COOKIE"]=> string(36) "PHPSESSID=s61rb043dk81cufdjco8f5c4o5" ["PHP_SELF"]=> string(0) "" ["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]=> float(1436008843.7384) ["REQUEST_TIME"]=> int(1436008843) }

just the debugLog Funktion seems to break the Server
array(39) { ["USER"]=> string(8) "www-data" ["HOME"]=> string(8) "/var/www" ["FCGI_ROLE"]=> string(9) "RESPONDER" ["PATH_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]=> string(36) "/var/www/project/tool/loginCheck.php" ["QUERY_STRING"]=> string(40) "destinationWidth=300&destinationHeight=0" ["REQUEST_METHOD"]=> string(4) "POST" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(33) "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ["CONTENT_LENGTH"]=> string(2) "81" ["SCRIPT_NAME"]=> string(20) "/tool/loginCheck.php" ["REQUEST_URI"]=> string(61) "/tool/loginCheck.php?destinationWidth=300&destinationHeight=0" ["DOCUMENT_URI"]=> string(20) "/tool/loginCheck.php" ["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]=> string(16) "/var/www/project" ["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]=> string(8) "HTTP/1.1" ["HTTPS"]=> string(2) "on" ["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"]=> string(7) "CGI/1.1" ["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]=> string(11) "nginx/1.6.2" ["REMOTE_ADDR"]=> string(13) "" ["REMOTE_PORT"]=> string(5) "54164" ["SERVER_ADDR"]=> string(14) "" ["SERVER_PORT"]=> string(3) "443" ["SERVER_NAME"]=> string(23) "site" ["REDIRECT_STATUS"]=> string(3) "200" ["HTTP_HOST"]=> string(23) "site" ["HTTP_CONNECTION"]=> string(10) "keep-alive" ["HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH"]=> string(2) "81" ["HTTP_ORIGIN"]=> string(31) "https://site" ["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]=> string(14) "XMLHttpRequest" ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]=> string(110) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.130 Safari/537.36" ["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(33) "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ["HTTP_ACCEPT"]=> string(3) "*/*" ["HTTP_DNT"]=> string(1) "1" ["HTTP_REFERER"]=> string(45) "https://site/view/main.php" ["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"]=> string(13) "gzip, deflate" ["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]=> string(35) "de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4" ["HTTP_COOKIE"]=> string(36) "PHPSESSID=s61rb043dk81cufdjco8f5c4o5" ["PHP_SELF"]=> string(0) "" ["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]=> float(1436009111.9144) ["REQUEST_TIME"]=> int(1436009111) } Verbindung abgebrochen. Bitte neu anmelden.

(Connection Broken)

above shown when trying to login at the space (line30) of the projeqtor. If you say that there is something wrong with the server directive i will take a deeper look. As it seems to me just the debugLog Function breaks the Server
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