Prochaines Sessions
Les prochaines formations et démonstrations sont ouvertes, inscrivez-vous rapidement !
Démonstration de ProjeQtOr(gratuit, sur inscription)
6 mars 2025 (10h30-12h) 3 avril 2025 (16h-17h30) |
Les prochaines formations et démonstrations sont ouvertes, inscrivez-vous rapidement !
Démonstration de ProjeQtOr(gratuit, sur inscription)
6 mars 2025 (10h30-12h) 3 avril 2025 (16h-17h30) |
It is not at all result expected for cryptData (should be some ; separated fields)<input type="hidden" id="lastOperation" name="lastOperation" value="testConnection"><input type="hidden" id="lastOperationStatus" name="lastOperationStatus" value="ERROR"><span class="messageERROR" >Verbindung abgebrochen. Bitte neu anmelden.</span>
// Start Session
// Show banner
echo '<b>Session Support Checker</b><hr />';
// Check if the page has been reloaded
if(!isset($_GET['reload']) OR $_GET['reload'] != 'true') {
// Set the message
$_SESSION['MESSAGE'] = 'Session support enabled!<br />';
// Give user link to check
echo '<a href="?reload=true">Click HERE</a> to check for PHP Session Support.<br />';
} else {
// Check if the message has been carried on in the reload
if(isset($_SESSION['MESSAGE'])) {
} else {
echo 'Sorry, it appears session support is not enabled, or you PHP version is to old. <a href="?reload=false">Click HERE</a> to go back.<br />';
returns something, then we'll be able to check which params may be mission.debugLog($_SERVER);
array(35) { ["USER"]=> string(8) "www-data" ["HOME"]=> string(8) "/var/www" ["FCGI_ROLE"]=> string(9) "RESPONDER" ["PATH_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]=> string(27) "/var/www/project/maxexe.php" ["QUERY_STRING"]=> string(0) "" ["REQUEST_METHOD"]=> string(3) "GET" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(0) "" ["CONTENT_LENGTH"]=> string(0) "" ["SCRIPT_NAME"]=> string(11) "/maxexe.php" ["REQUEST_URI"]=> string(11) "/maxexe.php" ["DOCUMENT_URI"]=> string(11) "/maxexe.php" ["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]=> string(16) "/var/www/project" ["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]=> string(8) "HTTP/1.1" ["HTTPS"]=> string(2) "on" ["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"]=> string(7) "CGI/1.1" ["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]=> string(11) "nginx/1.6.2" ["REMOTE_ADDR"]=> string(13) "" ["REMOTE_PORT"]=> string(5) "53818" ["SERVER_ADDR"]=> string(14) "" ["SERVER_PORT"]=> string(3) "443" ["SERVER_NAME"]=> string(23) "" ["REDIRECT_STATUS"]=> string(3) "200" ["HTTP_HOST"]=> string(23) "" ["HTTP_CONNECTION"]=> string(10) "keep-alive" ["HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL"]=> string(9) "max-age=0" ["HTTP_ACCEPT"]=> string(74) "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8" ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]=> string(110) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.130 Safari/537.36" ["HTTP_DNT"]=> string(1) "1" ["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"]=> string(19) "gzip, deflate, sdch" ["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]=> string(35) "de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4" ["HTTP_COOKIE"]=> string(36) "PHPSESSID=s61rb043dk81cufdjco8f5c4o5" ["PHP_SELF"]=> string(0) "" ["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]=> float(1436008843.7384) ["REQUEST_TIME"]=> int(1436008843) }
array(39) { ["USER"]=> string(8) "www-data" ["HOME"]=> string(8) "/var/www" ["FCGI_ROLE"]=> string(9) "RESPONDER" ["PATH_INFO"]=> string(0) "" ["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]=> string(36) "/var/www/project/tool/loginCheck.php" ["QUERY_STRING"]=> string(40) "destinationWidth=300&destinationHeight=0" ["REQUEST_METHOD"]=> string(4) "POST" ["CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(33) "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ["CONTENT_LENGTH"]=> string(2) "81" ["SCRIPT_NAME"]=> string(20) "/tool/loginCheck.php" ["REQUEST_URI"]=> string(61) "/tool/loginCheck.php?destinationWidth=300&destinationHeight=0" ["DOCUMENT_URI"]=> string(20) "/tool/loginCheck.php" ["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]=> string(16) "/var/www/project" ["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]=> string(8) "HTTP/1.1" ["HTTPS"]=> string(2) "on" ["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"]=> string(7) "CGI/1.1" ["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]=> string(11) "nginx/1.6.2" ["REMOTE_ADDR"]=> string(13) "" ["REMOTE_PORT"]=> string(5) "54164" ["SERVER_ADDR"]=> string(14) "" ["SERVER_PORT"]=> string(3) "443" ["SERVER_NAME"]=> string(23) "site" ["REDIRECT_STATUS"]=> string(3) "200" ["HTTP_HOST"]=> string(23) "site" ["HTTP_CONNECTION"]=> string(10) "keep-alive" ["HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH"]=> string(2) "81" ["HTTP_ORIGIN"]=> string(31) "https://site" ["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]=> string(14) "XMLHttpRequest" ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]=> string(110) "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.130 Safari/537.36" ["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"]=> string(33) "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ["HTTP_ACCEPT"]=> string(3) "*/*" ["HTTP_DNT"]=> string(1) "1" ["HTTP_REFERER"]=> string(45) "https://site/view/main.php" ["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"]=> string(13) "gzip, deflate" ["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]=> string(35) "de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4" ["HTTP_COOKIE"]=> string(36) "PHPSESSID=s61rb043dk81cufdjco8f5c4o5" ["PHP_SELF"]=> string(0) "" ["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]=> float(1436009111.9144) ["REQUEST_TIME"]=> int(1436009111) } Verbindung abgebrochen. Bitte neu anmelden.
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