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Reccurent task planning but not on an weekly baseline

17 Mar 2023 16:24 #1 by bvd

Is there a way to plan a task on a specific period each month ?

For example :
- Team A does a task each month betwenn the 16th and the 21st day of the month.

I do not understand how to do this and the manual didn't help me

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20 Mar 2023 09:23 #2 by babynus
No, no planning regular.
Only weekly regular exists.
you must plas a main task wuth sub-task for each period.

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22 Mar 2023 13:59 #3 by bvd
Ok thanks.

It would be great to be able to plan as regular periods :-)

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27 Mar 2023 16:39 #4 by lhullebr
I also think that it would be helpful to plan with a periodicity (monthly, quartely or annualy)

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28 Mar 2023 11:38 #5 by babynus
But this would be more complex to define an manage.
I know how to manager 0.5 day every friday : easy.
But manager 0.5 day the 10th of every month will be a mess : what should I do if it is a sunday ?
The only "easy way to define regular for months is "every 1st monday of the month" or "every last monday of the month" or "every first open day of the month" ...
It is not easy to define on a calendar basis, so much harder to define that weekly regular.

Moreover, montly frequency means you just have to define 12 times a year, so either you define an main activity with 12 subactivities, or just use a manually planned activity with 12 selections of periods...

So I see very small interest to manage so complex feature


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