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The cost of the resource in activity assignment?

17 Fév 2011 11:25 #1 by Guest

I have a question about the cost computation in activity assignment. How do you compute the cost of 'assigned', 'planned' and 'real' ?

I have a resource #1 functionality is 'Manager' and he costs 100 per day. His affectation to X is 100%
I created an activity #1 of project X and set validated work to 10, cost to 1100, duration is 2 days (ex. 2/16-2/17)
I now assign resource #1 to activity #1 and has two assignments to resource #1:
1) rate 100%, assigned 88.0
2) rate 100%, assigned 9.0

Then resource #1 login to fill the 'Real Work Allocation' for the two assignments
1) fill 5 on 2/16 and 6 on left
2) fill 7 on 2/16 and 40 on left

And in the activity #1, I found the cost of
1. assigned work/cost : 97/9700
2. planned work/cost : 58/5200
3. real work/cost: 12/1200

I am confused. Are all these cost hour based or daily based?
the resource cost is daily based and is $100.00.
but at the same day, the resource #1 has 12 working hours, the cost becomes 1200?
Please help.
I will send the picture to the email address, too.
Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,

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17 Fév 2011 14:45 #2 by babynus

The cost are expected to be daily costs, so is the work.
But there is no constraint about this, so you main consider hours.
But you just have to be consistant : if cost is daily, work must be in days, and so real work must be 1 per day, unless the resource has a capacity of more than 1.

There seems to be an issue in the left cost calculation.
Maybe is due to the fact you have assigned twice the same resource to the same activity, as work is sum for 2 lines, but cost only includes 1 line.
I will investigate on the subject.

Planned work / cost is always calculated as Planned = Real + Left.

See the planning chapter in the manual for more explanation.


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18 Fév 2011 03:58 #3 by Guest

Additional information for the progress:

In reports -> cost -> cost detail per activity, the progress is 23%

In planning gantt, the progress is 21%

I think the planning gantt is more correct (12/58). Where does '23%' come from?


Best Regards,

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18 Fév 2011 09:41 #4 by babynus
The difference is "normal" because of the error previously noticed on the left cost and planned cost.
In the Planning, the progress is based on work : progress = 12 / 58 = 21%
In the cost detail, the progress is based on cost : progress = 1200 / 5200 = 23%, it should be 1200 / 5800 = 21%.

Notice that, even without an issue, progress based on work may be slightly different from progress based on work, for instance if a resource cost changes during the project.

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18 Fév 2011 15:17 #5 by babynus

I found the issue about the cost error.
In the assignment list you can see that the resource has no function for the second line. So when calculating left work, application will not find a daily cost and will compute zero for the left cost.
This happens when modifying an existing assignment with real work.
This bug will be fixed in next version, but you will have some work to correct your data (you can do it right now to correct data) :
- remove all the real work on the line with no function
- update the assignment : you can select a function, do it, and save.
Data will then be correct.
- you can enter some real work
- do not modify the assignment until bug fixing is deployed (or you will retreive the same issue)


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18 Fév 2011 17:01 #6 by babynus
V1.5.4 released.

Including fixing to this issue.

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