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Can you support Earned Value graph?

18 Fév 2011 04:04 #1 by Guest

I don't find Earned Value graph in the reports page.
Since you have cost and date, can you support Earned Value graph?
It's more convenient for project management.
If you can't support the EV, can you advice which value (validated, assigned) would be proper to be the 'planned value' (budget) and where I can find the codes for modification.


Best Regards,

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18 Fév 2011 10:12 #2 by babynus

Earned value is not proposed yet, but could be.
It's more or less planned, without any precise date.
By the way, another important evolution is planned before, that will impact the earned value, is the management of the "non resource" costs. This will be an important point to be able to enter all the costs on the project (travel costs, machines and so on). The top level evolution should also include management of provision for risks.
Then we'll be able to calculate the real Earned Value...
I imagined to propose it as a report (not a data in forms), to be able to display it as Earned Value and/or as Margin (as percentage)

For the calculation, just a quick explanation :
- validated = commited with customer = what will be paid
- assigned = what you initialy planned = what is expected to be used
- real = the real used yet
- left = what is left to finish
- planned = real + left = the new estimated planned
So you can calculate at least 2 earned values :
- validated - planned = the total earned value, what you will effectively earn
- assigned - planned = the operational earned value = what the productivity of your team earned

If you want to create some specific report on your own, just go to the folder "/report", you'll find the code for all the reports and can use them as template (if you know PHP, it should not be very difficult to understantd).
One important point : if you generate a new report, to have it displayed in the list, you must ;
- enter a new line in the "report" table
- enter line in the "reportparameter" table, if your report should accept parameters
- enter habilitations to the report in "habilitationreport" table : this can be done thought the user interface, menu "access to reports"

If you create a new report, you can then post it to have it included in a further release, so that every user can use it...


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18 Fév 2011 12:21 #3 by climb4fun
Hi all,

I appreciate discussion -- a important point. I agree with suggested solution of Babynus. For me it would be more than sufficent, to get this values delivered as described.

Regards, Klaus

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