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Need help to send Mails

16 Mai 2011 17:50 #1 by Bakura
Hello everybody,

Thank you for this program very nice!

My problem is to send mail, i have put in my parameters.php file my configuration about my server smtp but i can't sent messages.

I have an error :
Impossible d'envoyer un mail à '****@****.com'.
Contactez votre administrateur.

I have in smtpserver :
$paramMailSmtpServer = '';
and i use the port 587

My question is : when i put the password of my sender s'adress email and my username of the smtp server ?
How send a message if this information is not in parameters.php?

In log, i have ERRORs like this :
2011-05-16 17:45:03 ***** ERROR ***** Error sending mail
2011-05-16 17:45:03 ***** ERROR ***** SMTP Server :
2011-05-16 17:45:03 ***** ERROR ***** SMTP Port : 587
2011-05-16 17:45:03 ***** ERROR ***** Sendmail path : /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
2011-05-16 17:45:03 ***** ERROR ***** Mail stored in Database : #21

Any idea please?

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16 Mai 2011 22:58 #2 by babynus

Project'Or RIA uses classic php mail function, which does not implement authentication.
But this is not blocking on most servers to send mails.
Unfortunatly, maybe yours does (auth.*business)
Try another smtp serve (

Another opint :
If you use a remote smtp server, you should not define $paramMailSendmailPath.
This parameter is devoted to local smtp server.
Try seting it to blank.

At last, try using local smtp server.
Most php servers provide smtp server on 'localhost', port '25'.

Hope this will help.


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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19 Mai 2011 17:18 #3 by Bakura
Replied by Bakura on topic RE : Need help to send Mails
Thank you.

Projectorria no return any problem when i send a message but now I have a new problem, when i try to send a message with projectorria (and with the command sendmail), i have this :
May 19 16:58:28 mamachine sm-mta[*]: p4I7vWJL010206: to=<*.*@*.com>, ctladdr=<Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.> (33/33), delay=1+07:00:56, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=esmtp, pri=17310753,, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: No route to host

So i don't very understand why i can't sent message. I have modify php.ini of my zendserver, try many things for smtp server and port in parameters.ini, but it is the same :/

Hope you can help me. Thx.

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19 Mai 2011 20:54 #4 by babynus

The message "no route to host" seems to pointout a connection issue to your host.
Try the following command :
telnet 25
Can you get a connection ?


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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20 Mai 2011 09:27 #5 by Bakura
Replied by Bakura on topic RE : Need help to send Mails
The command send that :

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

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20 Mai 2011 09:29 #6 by Bakura
Replied by Bakura on topic RE : Need help to send Mails
And I have that for my smtp :

# telnet 587
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Orange Business Services (MSA); Fri, 20 May 2011 09:28:59 +0200

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