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planning page can't be displayed on Firefox

13 Juil 2011 08:35 #1 by Guest

Yesterday I upgrade the system from V1.5.5 to V1.6
and I found the Planning page (Gantt graph) in the Follow-up part
can't be displayed on my Firefox v3.6.16 but it can be displayed on IE 7.
The print button & pdf button of my system on Firefox is working.
It's weird in your demo system, the planning displays ok on my firefox though print buttong can't work, and pdf has memory exhausted error message.

Please help to check.
Thanks a lot.

BTW, after I upgraded to V1.6 (table expenseDetailType exists in database), I checked the log after I login. It said:
2011-07-13 13:41:53 ..... SCRIPT .... ->/view/main.php
2011-07-13 13:41:53 ..... SCRIPT .... ->/view/menuTree.php
2011-07-13 13:41:53 ***** ERROR ***** [1146] SQL Error : Table 'project.expensedetailtype' doesn't exist<br/><br/>select id as id, name as name from expensedetailtype where (idle=0 ) order by expensedetailtype.sortOrder
What would cause the problem?

Best Regards,

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13 Juil 2011 09:26 #2 by Guest

Selina wrote: Hi,

Yesterday I upgrade the system from V1.5.5 to V1.6
and I found the Planning page (Gantt graph) in the Follow-up part
can't be displayed on my Firefox v3.6.16 but it can be displayed on IE 7.
The print button & pdf button of my system on Firefox is working.
It's weird in your demo system, the planning displays ok on my firefox though print buttong can't work, and pdf has memory exhausted error message.

Please help to check.
Thanks a lot.

BTW, after I upgraded to V1.6 (table expenseDetailType exists in database), I checked the log after I login. It said:
2011-07-13 13:41:53 ..... SCRIPT .... ->/view/main.php
2011-07-13 13:41:53 ..... SCRIPT .... ->/view/menuTree.php
2011-07-13 13:41:53 ***** ERROR ***** [1146] SQL Error : Table 'project.expensedetailtype' doesn't exist<br/><br/>select id as id, name as name from expensedetailtype where (idle=0 ) order by expensedetailtype.sortOrder
What would cause the problem?

Best Regards,


For the working PDF page on my system, actually it displays as a new web page, not in pdf file.
And at the bottom of the pdf page, it shows:

ERROR : ERROR n4 : HTML code invalid, the tags are not closed in an orderly fashion.Status : Array ( [0] => page [1] => table [2] => tr [3] => td [4] => nobr [5] => url ) HTML : ...ade Path -> (OS keyboard)

Best Regards,

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14 Juil 2011 23:35 #3 by babynus

Not able to reproduce your issue about Gantt Planning display.
Can you check for a javascriot error ?
Anyway V1.6.1 brings some changes on this screen. You may test for reproduction when this new release is available.

The pdf errors have been corrected on V1.6.1.


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