What does not appear anywhere in the 200+ pages is "how" to get the content of the document uploaded and into document directories - I have files on my laptop, the server is elsewhere with the metadata frame----
We should not have the same user manuel
When I'm on document page, I just hit [F1] and come to Document help page (1/4).
Here I can read :
The Document item describes general information about the document.
The file is not stored at this level.
]A document can evolve and a new file is generated at each evolution.
So files are stored at document version level.
What answers your first question (or question was not clear)
Then, I switch to page 2/4, and can see description of fields, and Directory is described as
Place where the document is stored to organize document structure.
The directory also defines the place where files will be physically stored.
Then, I swicth to page 3/4 where I can see how to upload files on version.
When I physically go to the server and look, there is a folder "Documents" has been created, and an empty folder "Project", no directory tree as shown in the Document Directory page on Projeqtor GUI.
Are you sure you're looking at the right place ?
Document location is defined in Global Parameters...
But also, directories may be empty or not existing until you upload a file (version) for a document in this directory.
How can my team who are scattered throughout the world upload files which they have written?
Upload version of document.
What does one review when requested to review a document, the meta-data?
Go to document : there you'll be able to view versions list and dowload any uploaded file.
Please also take car that ProjeQtOr is not a file system management, nor a GED.
All documents are here for Project reason : they should be linked to project, and if so, access rights to Project items are applied : so take care not to request validation to someone who will not have rights to access to document.
To finish, notice that you can also view documents in the directory tree, but here again ,access rights are applied.