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Adding additional Profile

01 Déc 2015 14:46 #1 by lrsorey
When adding additional profiles I noticed that the description of the profile is surround by brackets []. Is this normal and does it effect anything?

For example I added profileBusinessAnalyts , the description displays [profileBusinessAnalysts] while the other profiles with similar display names do not display the profile such as profileTeamMember displays as Project Member. Where does the description Project Member comes from? it is not listed in the Profile table.



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01 Déc 2015 14:51 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Adding additional Profile

It is because Profile names are "translated".
If you change language, you'll see that standard profile names are correctly translated.
But translation cannot take into account your own new names ...
Surrounding brackets just indicate that no translation was found.

Alternative is to use new Plugin "Personalized translations" that alows to change any caption tranlation and optionaly define new translations codes.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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01 Déc 2015 15:05 #3 by lrsorey
Replied by lrsorey on topic Adding additional Profile
Thanks for your response Babynus. I will look into the Plugin.


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02 Juil 2021 12:39 #4 by desperados

A bit late, but still useful :

If you want a translated field, go in the source files (if you can) from your projeqtor instance in the "tool/i18n/nls/" directory. There are serveral language folders. For example, for french language, edit the tool/i18n/nls/fr/lang.js and add the line "profileBusinessAnalyts: Analyste d'affaires".

Then, create a profile in the UI with the code profileBusinessAnalyts. Refresh your page. Et voilà !

Jordan LE NUFF
IT Project Manager

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