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accents in database

04 Nov 2011 07:02 #1 by teiki76
accents in database was created by teiki76
I share the datas stored in the projectorria database with another program written in groovy .

It's all UTF8 everywhere (mysql, jdbc, browsers).

From Projectorria interface, writing something with accents like "é" gives "é" in mysql tables.

Writing "é" from my groovy script in projectorria database gives "é" as result.

If the accents are like "é" in mysql, projectorria web interface displays the data.

If the accents are like "é" in mysql, projectorria web interface does not display the data. The field looks empty while the data exists.

I tried AddCharset in an .htaccess file. No change.

How can I solve that ?

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04 Nov 2011 10:22 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic RE : accents in database

make sure all your MySql is in utf8 :
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE  'character_set%'
should return something like :
Variable_name              Value
character_set_client       utf8
character_set_connection   utf8
character_set_database     utf8
character_set_filesystem   binary
character_set_results      utf8
character_set_server       utf8
character_set_system       utf8
character_sets_dir         D:\PROGRA~1\EasyPHP\mysql\share\charsets\
If not, be sure my.ini contains

PAY ATTENTION : if you change this setting, existing data previously stored will be affected and not displayed correctly (on Project'Or RIA and any other way such as phpMyAdmin, toad MySql, ...). You will have to update data (throught Project'Or RIA for instance )to have is correctly displayed back.


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