To help us concentrate on real issues and work as fast as possible, please follow these steps before submitting an issue.
Before submitting an issue, clean browser cache and try again
For most browser [F5] or [Shift]+[F5] will clean browser cache.
Sometimes (for instance for some Internet Explorer), you'll need to completely close browser to clean cache.
This may simply fix the issue.
For connection issue, try and delete cookies.
Each browser has a specific way to manage cookies.
Here are some links to methods to clean cookies :
Check errors reported in ProjeQtOr for log file
Default location of log file is /projeqtor/files/logs (1 file per day)
But this may have been changed during install (admin should know where logs are written).
Since V5, if you have access to administration screen, you'll be able to directly download log file from the application.
Check for errors in the Browser console
On most browsers, [F12] will open dev tools. There you'll have seveeral tabs. Select the tab "Console".
Then play again use case. If some javascript error occur, it will appear here.
When submitting issues, give as much information as possible
=> version of ProjeQtOr
=> browser used (en version)
=> use case to reproduce the issue (step by step case)
=> expected behavior and noticed behavior
=> attach print screen to illustrate behavior
=> attach log file (or at least copy lines with "ERROR")
=> copy errors displayed on browser console
Thanks in advance.