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change activities status

12 Jan 2022 11:29 #1 by al_rodin
Little question here (actually they are two... :-) )
I'm searching for a solution that allows me to change status of children activities when changing status of parent ones, or change status of parent when all the children are in the same status. This could be very useful for Agile Scrum framework (actually IMHO it's a thing to improve in order tho have a Scrum behavior in ProjeQtor).

Let's say we have a User Story (which is an activity type) that is usually entirely undertaken by a Sprint (which is defined as a milestone and also has a Product release linked to it). This could mean that the User Story has children tasks and subtask (other activity types) linked to it. They are usually opened by the Scrum Master or by the Team Users. We could also introduce the "Epic" concept, but let's stop to the User Story at the moment (Epics are basically bunches of User Stories, but they are not affected by this reasoning).
Well, the question is: how to put a User Story (a specific activity) in a status (let's say "To do"). so that the whole bunch of children activities is automatically in "To Do"?
Alternatively: how to put a parent activity status let's say, in "Done" when all the children are in "Done" status?
The first question could imply that one or more specific workfllow changes should be declared for that behavior (eg.: children inherit status from RECORDED to TODO, but not from IN PROGRESS to IN TEST).
The second question is easier to treat as the status inheritance is reverted (from children to the parent, and only to it), and this is always valid/true.
Is there any workaround to make it currently work as I described here?
Have a nice day! :-)

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13 Jan 2022 12:51 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic change activities status

Automatic change from children to parent exists (it is a global parameter to activate).
  • First child moving to In Progress moves Parent to In Progress
  • When all children are done, parent moves to done
Automatic change from parent to children does not exist
  • Only quick solution is to use multiple updated : filter on parent, select activities, change status


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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14 Jan 2022 09:26 #3 by al_rodin
Replied by al_rodin on topic change activities status
Hi babynus!
Thanks a lot! I did not realize about that, I will see asap. I prepared a little demo for the decisional Board of my company. We'll se what's going on...
Have a nice day :-)

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14 Jan 2022 14:42 #4 by al_rodin
Replied by al_rodin on topic change activities status
Sorry Babynus,
just to be more explicit:
I tried some tests and didn't achieve the expected result with statuses I created neither with "in progress" or "Done". The field I set to "yes" was "auto set parent status".
Is it true that this automatism only works from activities view (i.e.: does not work from kanban view) and it only works for "in progress" and "done" statuses?

Thnx a lot!

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17 Jan 2022 09:48 - 17 Jan 2022 09:49 #5 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic change activities status

The mecanisms works however you change the status.
It is included in the framework, not on a dedicated screen.
The status management for this feature uses the "handled" (in progress) and "done" flags (macro statuses), and so will set to the first status with this flag avalaible through the workflow. So Parent may not move to same status as sub-tasks.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 17 Jan 2022 09:49 by babynus.

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17 Jan 2022 10:02 #6 by al_rodin
Replied by al_rodin on topic change activities status
Hi Babynus!
Thnx a lot! Now I understand the mechanism! Very easy and clear! Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Have a nice Monday!

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