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[SOLVED] Stuck with sendmail and projeqtor

17 Sep 2018 09:37 #1 by 4ce
hi there,

i tried a couple of month configure my projeqtor with our exchange server and finally i'm stuck. after read tons of articles and the whole forum 'bout sendmail i do not have any clue.

the exchange informations seems to be correct, so it states "email sent" in projeqtor. in the log (mail.log) the mail remains in status "queued".

in projeqtor i use phpmail. the recommende phpmailer seems to be errornous too ( if i leave the sendmail path empty it says error, if i put in any value or a sinlge character, it says "mail sent"). i tried different protocols and with or without sendmail path. i tried putting in the ip address instead of servername but it gets not better.

host and dns data are filled correct. telnet works. loggin only states that the mail is queued and it will not left the status.

i configured the php.ini with an static sendmail path and with "-r" parameter but it seems that nothing changed.

did anyone have a clue? i guess it is a short configure i did not recognize or any easy parameter.

projeqtor 7.2.2 (problem occurs since v6)
server ubuntu 16.04 lts (patched the days with recent updates)

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17 Sep 2018 15:13 - 17 Sep 2018 15:13 #2 by babynus
I the log (mail.log) displays a "queued" message, it means projeqtor has correctly send message, and exchange correctly received it.
Now, it is an Exchenge issue : possibly the account you use is locked in Exchange, or not known ...

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 17 Sep 2018 15:13 by babynus.

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18 Sep 2018 09:19 #3 by 4ce
at first thank you for your support and patience.

you had a point but i guess there is another error and i do not know what exactly the problem is.

at least i tried to put in my gmail account settings. and it remains the same. in every case the testmail states "email sent" the mail.log file put it on "queued" and nothing happened.

i tried using my gmail account as sender (smtp settings) to send a test to my company account. -> queued

i tried the gmail account as sender and as recipient (so our sandbox can not stop the mail) and also queued.

maybe sendmail has a general problem?

the settings in the back-end of projeqtor are instant? i restart sendmail and cron via console, i dont know if every change is loaded directly.

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19 Sep 2018 00:06 #4 by babynus

maybe sendmail has a general problem?

ProjeQtOr does not systematically use sendMail
We use phpMailer library, which will use default mailing system.
It can be sendMail, postfix or else.
I think you have issue with your mailing system.
Did you try and send emails through other means than projeqtor ?

the settings in the back-end of projeqtor are instant? i


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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19 Sep 2018 00:19 #5 by babynus
Additionnaly, try an external smtp server (gmail or else)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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19 Sep 2018 08:58 #6 by 4ce
Hi - as stated above. i tried gmail as sender (smtp) and as receipient and both as the same time. so in fact i think my webserver for projeqtor has an issue. but i dont know where.

is there any config-file or ini which can cross the normal behaviour. should i reinstall the php mailing apps? or should i install postfix and configure to that?

the php mailing library needs a sendmail path? without it runs on a error. if filled (even with nonsense) it says email sent.

as the mailserver seems to be not the issue and projeqtor states he sends out the messages,there can only be some issue with interfaces or config files, am i right?

thank you for hustling with that

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