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'Cost in Assignment', 'Workflow', 'Teams' and 'All projects' ??

11 Fév 2011 04:38 #1 by Guest

I am new to your system and try to setup the system and insert some data.
Now I have two questions. I am really confused. Please help me.

1. Cost in Assignment
I set some users as resources and set cost for the functionality for each user. ex. I set user1 as developer and add cost '2000' /d
And I add one activity and try to do some assignments.
But I can't successfully change or add resources (ex. add user1) because when I set the functionality (ex developer). , it displays the cost (ex. 2000/d) automatically (it's read only) and it appears an exclamation mark (!) on the cost field and I can't save the assignments.
Is there any criteria for the assignment I need to take care?
BTW, I set some affectations but I don't know what might affect this assignment

I see 7 workflow settings (default, simple, .... etc) and each has different flows.
But I don't know what is the current workflow setting and where to set as the current workflow?
Need to modify the codes? If so, can you point out which file I should modify?

3. Teams
What does 'Teams' do in the system?

4. All projects
I see the left top of the menu has a option list and it has 'All projects' and other project list (project1, project2, ..) I created.
But when I choose one project, for example project1, there's no change of the web pages. I don't know what it is about.

Can you also update these information in the manual?
Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

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11 Fév 2011 04:53 #2 by Guest

Selina wrote: Hello,

I am new to your system and try to setup the system and insert some data.
Now I have four questions. I am really confused. Please help me.

1. Cost in Assignment
I set some users as resources and set cost for the functionality for each user. ex. I set user1 as developer and add cost '2000' /d
And I add one activity and try to do some assignments.
But I can't successfully change or add resources (ex. add user1) because when I set the functionality (ex developer). , it displays the cost (ex. 2000/d) automatically (it's read only) and it appears an exclamation mark (!) on the cost field and I can't save the assignments.
Is there any criteria for the assignment I need to take care?
BTW, I set some affectations but I don't know what might affect this assignment

I see 7 workflow settings (default, simple, .... etc) and each has different flows.
But I don't know what is the current workflow setting and where to set as the current workflow?
Need to modify the codes? If so, can you point out which file I should modify?

3. Teams
What does 'Teams' do in the system? It can be set to bind the resource. But I don't know its feature.

4. All projects
I see the left top of the menu has a option list and it has 'All projects' and other project list (project1, project2, ..) I created.
But when I choose one project, for example project1, there's no change of the web pages. I don't know what it is about.

Can you also update these information in the manual?
Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

About the question 2, I find where to set the workflow. It's really a nice design. Thanks. :)
Please help to answer my other questions.

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,

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11 Fév 2011 10:34 #3 by babynus

1) This may be a bug, depending on the formatting of numbers.
I guess it may come from thouthands separator ...
If my guess is correct, you should be able to enter assognement if cost is less than 1000.
Can you describe the format of your numbers : default format displayed, format display for cost in assignement
(if you could send a print screen at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. it would be the best)

2) As you have discovered, the workflows can be set in Parameters=>List of Values=>Workflow

3) Team is a functional data not used today in the tool.
It can just be used to select resources in the list : in the advanced filter criteria you can select the "Team" to restrict the display to the members of a (or some) team(s). (not very usefull if you don't have many resources ...).
It should soon be used is the selection of resource, through an advanced way to select elements of a list, probably in V1.6.
It could also be used later in some reports...

4) The project combo on top of menu allows you to restrict the display of all the "Project depending" elements.
When you select a project, the visibility will be restricted to the data of the Project and its sub-projects.
When selecting "All project" you will see data of all the projects you are allowed to see (depending on profile).
The selection will also define de "default" project for new items.
To see what it does :
- define 3 projects P1, P2 and P3.
- set P3 as sub-project of P1
- create 3 tickets T1 on project P1, T2 on project P2, T3 on project P3
- select "All project" => you see the 3 tichets
- select project P1 : you see tickets T1 and T3
- select project P2 : you see ticket T2

I will complete the manual :
- team : in fact the parameters items are not documented yet (sorry) : to come late (maybe on V1.6)
- Project combo : I think it need a longuer desciption than existing (the short description on page 3 of User Interface seems not enough)


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14 Fév 2011 04:41 #4 by Guest

Thanks for your reply.
For question 1, I just sent the pictures to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
And there's no difference I set the resource cost under 1000. The exclamation mark(!) still exists.
In resource page, I can set '2500', for example, to resource swleader_1. After saving, it displays '2,500.00'.
Then in activity page, I add an assignment to swleader_1, the cost (2,500.00) is displayed only. I think it might be the format that causes the problem.

And for question 4, I set 3 projects and tried to select one project and see if there's any difference of the page. But I don't see 'refreshing' of the page.
Nothing happened. Do you mean only 'sub-project' will see the differences of the page?
I also sent the picture of 'All projects' to that email address.

BTW, could you also add examples of 'user', 'resource' and 'cost' in the manual? I tried for a while to figure out how to define the project members of a project and assign them to the tickets and activities. But I don't know if it's really correct.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

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14 Fév 2011 10:57 #5 by babynus

1) Thanks for the pictures.
I will investigate on this topic.

4) If you are using Firefox, you're facing an identified issue (ticket #302), under analysis.
If you're using another browser and are facing the issue, please tel me the browser/version you are using.

Concerning Manual, it's under completion (getting more and more complete with each versions).
It's now complete up to "parameters".
All the environmental parameters (Customer, Contact, Project, Resource, Users, ...) should be included in version coming wiht V1.6.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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14 Fév 2011 11:27 #6 by babynus

1) for the issue about cost, waiting for a correction you can try to delete the cost defined for the resource.
This may help you to be able to assign the resource to an activity.
When fixing will be provided, you will then just have to create the cost definition, and the costs should automatically be updated (even the real cost).

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