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'Cost in Assignment', 'Workflow', 'Teams' and 'All projects' ??

14 Fév 2011 14:47 #7 by babynus

I have identified a possible source for the issue, and a possible way to correct, but not able to reproduce, and so could not be sure fixing is correct.
The issue deals with locale defined in the browser.
So, to be able to reproduce and validate fixing, I need the following information :
- what is your locale defined in the browser
- what brower/version are your using
- what is the defaut represention for number "1234.56" in your locale ?
(for instance, in locale 'en-us' it would be "1,234.56", in locale fr-fr it would be "1 234,56", aso...)

Thanks in advance.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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15 Fév 2011 02:37 #8 by Guest

babynus wrote: Hi,

I have identified a possible source for the issue, and a possible way to correct, but not able to reproduce, and so could not be sure fixing is correct.
The issue deals with locale defined in the browser.
So, to be able to reproduce and validate fixing, I need the following information :
- what is your locale defined in the browser
- what brower/version are your using
- what is the defaut represention for number "1234.56" in your locale ?
(for instance, in locale 'en-us' it would be "1,234.56", in locale fr-fr it would be "1 234,56", aso...)

Thanks in advance.


I don't know what you mean the locale defined in the browser.
I use firefox version 3.6.13 and in the tools -> options -> content tab ->
font ( Arial, in advanced button, default character decode: Unicode UTF-8)
language ( I set three languages: 'zh-tw', 'en-us', and 'en' in order)

The representation for number in my locale shall be the same (how to know where to set in browser?).
The picture I sent you in previous mail displays as '1,234.56' for the resource cost, doesn't it?

BTW, I just sent you another picture that I can't assgin resource to assignment even the cost is deleted from the resource.

Best Regards,

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15 Fév 2011 13:49 #9 by babynus
Thanks for the information.
The locale I needed is the "zh-tw". I will try it, combined with UTF-8 defaut charset.

About the numbers representation, what I need to know is the defaut formatting you use in your country.
To have an idea, what do you get when you enter "1234.56" on the "validated cost" of an activity and validate ?
(the display of the resource cost is not a good clue as it is formatted by the application)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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15 Fév 2011 15:57 #10 by babynus

I could not reproduce the issue about cost assignment, even with your locale "zh-tw".
It seems other local parametring is involved, for instance the specific local parametring that displays chinese characters instead of AM or PM in the Ticket list.
The correction brought should fix the issue, but I cannot validate it.
I will let you test on the next version (coming soon)


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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16 Fév 2011 03:37 #11 by Guest

I don't know where to have 'cost validation' for an activity. Anyway, hope your next version can fix this issue.
BTW, can I know where the validation code of the cost assignment is located?


Best Regards,

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16 Fév 2011 09:30 #12 by babynus

The "cost validation" is just a validation on the format, done by the Dojo framework, using a numeric field : so I don't have the hand to change this. The only possibility would be te turn numeric field into text field... (can be a last solution if actual fixing does not work)

For the mecanism :
- in main.php :
javascipt is called on change of Assignement role : call function assignmentChangeRole()
- in projectorDialog.js :
definition of function assignmentChangeRole() :
- ajax call to getSingleData.php to get the value of the cost for the Resource/Role
- return the value into the cost field : the value is expected to be numeric display formatted
- in getSingleData.php
get the cost information calling NumberFormmater52.php to format the value as a display number
- NumberFormmater52.php
format the number as a numeric displayable value, depending on the locale

The fixing is :
1) getSingleData.php
- php gives not formated value
2) projectorDialog.js => assignmentChangeRole()
- format value (data) using dojo.number.format(data)
3) NumberFormmater52.php (not used anymore in the current case)
- PHP formatting adapted to use localeconv() data instead of guessing from locale => this should not have impact on current issue but may lead to better homogeniety of display

So in the fixing slution, the formatting is done by Dojo (and not by PHP any more) to ensure that formatting is the same as the one to control the format...


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