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login page and WBS ??

14 Fév 2011 05:00 #1 by Guest
login page and WBS ?? was created by Guest

I have two questions about the 'login' page and 'WBS'.

1. login page
Sometimes, after I log out (ex. current user is admin), it shows the login page
and then I tried to login as the other user with correct username/password (ex. user swleader_1). It directs me to login page again instead of main page.

2. WBS
Can the WBS not change all the time? First time I add several activities and it has 1.1 ~ 1.8 for example.
Then I find I typed the wrong date or other fields of WBS 1.1 (#1 activity) I need to change, and modified the activity and saved it. The WBS of the activity changed to 1.9 automatically.
And the gantt planning will also change the sort order due to the WBS. It's kind of confusing and not convenient for work planning.

Thanks a lot. :)

Best Regards,

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14 Fév 2011 11:06 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic RE : login page and WBS ??

1) login page :
When you have this "double login", was the fist login page as the main page (fitting all the window), or included into the Project'Or frame (for instance on bottom right part of the screen) ?
Are you running Firefox ?

2) WBS recalculation
It seems to be a bug. I will investigate.
For information, you can sort the activities on the Planning view (Gantt), using drag and drop, to correct the issue until a fixing comes in the application.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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15 Fév 2011 02:44 #3 by Guest
Replied by Guest on topic RE : login page and WBS ??

babynus wrote: Hi,

1) login page :
When you have this "double login", was the fist login page as the main page (fitting all the window), or included into the Project'Or frame (for instance on bottom right part of the screen) ?
Are you running Firefox ?

2) WBS recalculation
It seems to be a bug. I will investigate.
For information, you can sort the activities on the Planning view (Gantt), using drag and drop, to correct the issue until a fixing comes in the application.


Both happened ( fitting all the window and right part of the screen with menu/welcome on the left ).
The frequency of the occurance is 'fitting all the window' > 'right part of the screen with menu/welcome on the left'.
I am running firefox 3.6.13.

2) Thanks. Can I know when will be the fix available?

Thanks for your help.

Best Regards,

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15 Fév 2011 13:50 #4 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic RE : login page and WBS ??
I hope to be able to deploy bug fixing at the end of the week.
But this should not include bug fixing for your point 1), which seems not blocking.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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16 Fév 2011 15:26 #5 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic RE : login page and WBS ??

For step 1, the only way I found to reproduce the bug is refreshing the page, that in some condition loads login page in the right part of the screen, then issue appears (double login).
When correcly disconnection using the "disconnection" logo (on bottom left), I nether reproduced the issue.

Nethertheless, the issue has been solved in first cas, but not sure it can cover all the cases.


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16 Fév 2011 16:43 #6 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic RE : login page and WBS ??
Fixing for the 2 points included in recently deployed V1.5.3.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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