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Configuration at first run

21 Oct 2010 11:11 #13 by babynus
Hi Klaus,

No spinner means JavaScript error.
If you can run the demo, then it may be due to set-up : some Javascript files may not be reachable.
For information, js files can be found is /view/js and /external/dojo directories.

My proposition to use Chrome (or FireFox) is just for debugging purpose.
JavaScript errors reporting is very poor on IE.
Of course, when issue is solved you may use any browser you like.

Anyway, to help you I must know the Javascript error.

My advice :
- try with (portable) Chrome (or Firefox),
- open Javascript console just hiting [Ctrl]+[Shift]+J keys
- you must have some errors in the console : just report them here (or send to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.)
- you can also select "Resources" tab in the console : you will see all downloaded files : I'm sure there will be an error while loading at least one js file.

You can also try to get the error report activating IE script error reports, but it is not so clear and simple.

Let me know the js error you have and we'll fix up this bug !


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