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Configuration at first run

19 Oct 2010 00:11 #7 by babynus
Hi Klaus,

The previous issue was due to incorrect configuration of Database module.
Can you check that your MySQL is correctly installed ? For instance, try to reach it with PhpMyAdmin or TOAD for MySQL (both are free).
If your cannot check this, or if it doesn't work, try an easy fully packaged set-up, for instance easyPHP.

At least check at the place you specified for log file.
Il log file exists, post here what it contains (last lines should be enough)


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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19 Oct 2010 13:57 #8 by Guest
Hello Babynus,

thank you for your quick reply.

I try to install at my Web Hoster. I have there some installations with MySQL, running fine.

As startup template didn't work, log file will not be created. If I press OK button, nothing happens. I will get no message nor exeception.


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19 Oct 2010 22:09 #9 by babynus

Are you, as I presume, on the configuration screen ?
Did you try to scroll down : a message and new button should appear below the OK button.
Have you any Javascript error (try to open Javascript console on firefox or Chrome)
Indicate me any message displayed.

When you first log, normal process should be :
- configuration screen is displayed
- you fulfill data coorresponding to your environment
- you then click on "OK" button
- a spinner is displayed
- the spinner disappears : at that moment, you should see a message and a new "Continue" button below the "OK" button
- you click on the "Continue" button
- screen changes to Logon screen
- you enter default login : admin/admin and click "OK" button
- spinner is displayed : this step may take a certain time (about 1 minute) because all the database structure is created.
- spinner disappears and a short message indicates result of database creation (detail of this step is written in log file)
- click again on "OK" and you're in !

If all of this do not work, try last solution :
- get /tool/parameters.php file
- manually update this file with your own parameters
- create a new file : /tool/parametersLocation.php containing:
$parametersLocation = "parameters.php";
You can move /tool/parametrers.php, then you just have to indicate its full way in /tool/parametersLocation.php.
Try again.


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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20 Oct 2010 11:55 #10 by Guest

first let me thank you.

Configuration didn't work anyway. Applied your last solution and came to login window. Fine so far.
Tried to login with admin / admin, but after pressing OK, nothing happend.


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20 Oct 2010 13:56 #11 by babynus
Hi Klaus,

So you came to the Login Window. Good point, we can now get further.

When you say that "Nothing happened" after pressing OK, do you mean that even the spinner is not displayed ?
If it is so, then you have JavaScript issue : did you enable JavaScript on your browser ?
What browser are you using, on which version ?

I can advise you to have a test with Google Chrome (used for Devs).
You can get a "portable" version at /.
This version is not "installed" on your computer. It is just a portable package you can use anywhere, easy to bring with you on an USB key.
I use it frequently, it is fully compatible with ProjectorRIA.
You can easily activate the JavaScript console : press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+J.
Transfer me any message you then see in the console.

Read you next.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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21 Oct 2010 10:41 #12 by Guest
Hi Babynus,

yes, no spinner was displayed.

Unfortunately we decided to work with MS Internet Explorer V7 and V8.
I checked JavaSript is enabled.

To complete what I wrote so far, I worked with your demo version under the environment mentioned above and it worked fine, even if sometimes very slow.

I'm sure there might be a way to get set up done and work afterwards with MS Internet Explorer.


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