Are you, as I presume, on the configuration screen ?
Did you try to scroll down : a message and new button should appear below the OK button.
Have you any Javascript error (try to open Javascript console on firefox or Chrome)
Indicate me any message displayed.
When you first log, normal process should be :
- configuration screen is displayed
- you fulfill data coorresponding to your environment
- you then click on "OK" button
- a spinner is displayed
- the spinner disappears : at that moment, you should see a message and a new "Continue" button below the "OK" button
- you click on the "Continue" button
- screen changes to Logon screen
- you enter default login : admin/admin and click "OK" button
- spinner is displayed : this step may take a certain time (about 1 minute) because all the database structure is created.
- spinner disappears and a short message indicates result of database creation (detail of this step is written in log file)
- click again on "OK" and you're in !
If all of this do not work, try last solution :
- get /tool/parameters.php file
- manually update this file with your own parameters
- create a new file : /tool/parametersLocation.php containing:
$parametersLocation = "parameters.php";
You can move /tool/parametrers.php, then you just have to indicate its full way in /tool/parametersLocation.php.
Try again.