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ProjeQtOr - Project Management Tool
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ProjeQtOr free project management software - Commentaires (feedbacks)

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Démonstration de ProjeQtOr

(gratuit, sur inscription)

6 mars 2025 (10h30-12h)

3 avril 2025 (16h-17h30)


Planifiez avec ProjeQtOr

18 et 19 mars 2025 (9h-12h30)

15 et 16 avril 2025 (9h-12h30)


Administrez avec ProjeQtOr

18 et 19 février (9h-12h30)

25 et 26 mars (9h-12h30)




Thank you very much for your genius software.

Thank you very much for this outstanding version.

[admin note: version is V5.0]

Thank you for the great application and all your efforts.

First i would thank you for this amazing tool. Thank you !

I would like to congratulate you for this wonderful project. I have been testing Projeqtor for last weeks and I think it's great.


:cheer: Thank you very much for a fantastic job !! :cheer:

Hi, and lot of thanks about this tools. I use it since few month, and i recommended it ...

I am configurating the soft ! Great ! So many functions.

You are doing great job on ProjeQtor tool. It is sooooo good and almost satisfying my needs.

I am Using projeqtor in my day to day life and really like it.

first let me start by congratulation everyone that has been working on this project ... I just got in touch and looks like a very good solution!!!

First message in that forum, so I'll start with a big thank to the team for that great tool.

Thanks for your very good software

First of all, a big thank you to all the ProjeQtor Team.
You have a really nice tool.

ProjeQtOr is an exceptionnal tools for managing project; thanks for your work.

First of all, thx for the very good work.

congratulation for the best project management tool ever made. Really.


thanks for the support, this is the best PM tool I've used in my life. Congratulation!!!

Nice to see a wonderful product.

First of all .. thank you for a awsome product ... i realy enjoy this software !

first of all, thank you your a great software.

Je suis un utilisateur convaincu depuis plus de 3 ans maintenant !
Le logiciel est très bien suivi, il reste concentré sur les besoins essentiels d'un chef de projet.
Il est très convivial, il est parfait !

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