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This forum is intended to provide help to ProjeQtOr users.

You may report issues, propose changes, ask questions or give your feedback.
You are also invited to help other community members : maybe your experience can be shared and benefit other users.

Any subject that would not be related to ProjeQtOr will be deleted and the author banned from the forum.

Please write in english, so that the greatest part of community members can enjoy the answers given. This will provide a knowledge base on the tool.
Bugs or anomalies related to an older version than the latest version marked as stable will not be handled. Please install the latest stable version.
Before posting an issue, thanks to check points described in the post "Before submitting issue ..."

Before posting a functional question, thank you to verify that the answer is not provided in the online manual (contextual access with the [F1] key) or the subject has not been discussed on the forum.

Never publish a new question on an existing thread, even if your question seems to look like the subject of the thread, and even more if the thread is marked as solved. You may never receive an answer. Start a new thread instead.

Note that to avoid increasing spams and other inappropriate messages, your first message will have to be approved by a moderator before being published. So you don't need to post same message several times.
For your attachments and screenshots, please use the attachment system provided and hide/blur private data and names.
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